Package 'bayesTFR'

Title: Bayesian Fertility Projection
Description: Making probabilistic projections of total fertility rate for all countries of the world, using a Bayesian hierarchical model <doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0040-5> <doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i08>. Subnational probabilistic projections are also supported <doi:10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.60>.
Authors: Hana Sevcikova [cre, aut], Leontine Alkema [aut], Peiran Liu [aut], Adrian Raftery [aut], Bailey Fosdick [aut], Patrick Gerland [aut]
Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Version: 7.4-4
Built: 2025-03-09 03:26:09 UTC

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Bayesian Fertility Projection


Collection of functions for making probabilistic projections of total fertility rate (TFR) for all countries of the world, using a Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) and the United Nations demographic time series. Functions for subnational projections are also available.


The projection follows a method developed by Alkema et al. (2011) and Raftery et al (2014). It uses historical data provided by the United Nations to simulate a posterior distribution of total fertility rates for all countries in the world simultaneously.

The estimation is split into two parts:

  1. BHM for fertility in a transition phase (Phase II), as described in Alkema et al. (2011),

  2. BHM for fertility in a post-transition phase (Phase III), as described in Raftery et al (2013).

The second part is optional and can be replaced by a simple AR(1) process.

In addition, the package allows to assess uncertainty about the past (Liu and Rafftery 2020). Estimation and projection can be performed either for 5-year or 1-year time intervals.

The main functions of the package are:

  • run.tfr.mcmc: Evokes running a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation for TFR in Phase II using one or more chains, possibly in parallel. It results in a posterior sample of the mcmc parameters. Existing simulation runs can be resumed using continue.tfr.mcmc.

  • run.tfr3.mcmc: Starts MCMCs for TFR in Phase III. Existing simulation runs can be resumed using continue.tfr3.mcmc.

  • tfr.predict: Using the posterior parameter samples it derives posterior trajectories of the total fertility rate for all countries.

  • run.tfr.mcmc.extra: Runs MCMC for extra countries or regions, i.e. for countries not included in the Bayesian hierarchical model. It can be also used for aggregations.

  • tfr.predict.extra: Generates predictions for extra countries or aggregated regions.

The order of the functions above roughly corresponds to a typical workflow when using the package: 1. run a Phase II MCMC simulation, 2. run a Phase III MCMC simulation (optional but recommended), 3. generate predictions, 4. analyze results (using the functions below). If there are countries that were not included in steps 1.-3., or if there are aggregated regions for which a prediction is desired, one proceeds with the two functions at the bottom of the list above, followed by the analyzing functions below.

A number of functions analyzing results are included in the package:

For MCMC diagnostics, functions coda.list.mcmc and coda.list.mcmc3 create an object of type “mcmc.list” that can be used with the coda package. Furthermore, function tfr.diagnose and tfr3.diagnose analyze the MCMCs using the Raftery diagnostics implemented in the coda package and gives information about parameters that did not converge.

Existing simulation results can be accessed using the get.tfr.mcmc (Phase II) and get.tfr3.mcmc (Phase III) functions. An existing prediction can be accessed via get.tfr.prediction. Existing convergence diagnostics can be accessed using the get.tfr.convergence, get.tfr.convergence.all, get.tfr3.convergence and get.tfr3.convergence.all functions.

The historical national TFR data are taken from one of the packages wpp2019 (default), wpp2017, wpp2015, wpp2012 or wpp2010, depending on users settings.

Subnational TFR projections can be generated using tfr.predict.subnat. In this case, historical data must be provided by the user. Existing projections can be accessed from disk via get.regtfr.prediction.


There is a directory ex-data shipped with the package which contains results from an example simulation, containing one chain with 60 iterations. The Example section below shows how these results were created. These data are used in Example sections throughout the manual. The user can either reproduce the data in her/his local directory, or use the ones from the package.


Hana Sevcikova <[email protected]>, Leontine Alkema <[email protected]>, Peiran Liu ([email protected]), Adrian Raftery <[email protected]>, Bailey Fosdick <[email protected]>, Patrick Gerland ([email protected])

Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova <[email protected]>


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema, Adrian E. Raftery (2011). bayesTFR: An R Package for Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate. Journal of Statistical Software, 43(1), 1-29. doi:10.18637/jss.v043.i01.

Peiran Liu, Hana Sevcikova, Adrian E. Raftery (2023): Probabilistic Estimation and Projection of the Annual Total Fertility Rate Accounting for Past Uncertainty: A Major Update of the bayesTFR R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 106(8), 1-36. doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i08.

L. Alkema, A. E. Raftery, P. Gerland, S. J. Clark, F. Pelletier, Buettner, T., Heilig, G.K. (2011). Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries. Demography, Vol. 48, 815-839. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0040-5.

P. Liu, and A. E. Raftery (2020). Accounting for Uncertainty About Past Values In Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries. Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol 14, no. 2, 685-705. doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1294.

Raftery, A.E., Alkema, L. and Gerland, P. (2014). Bayesian Population Projections for the United Nations. Statistical Science, Vol. 29, 58-68. doi:10.1214/13-STS419.

Hana Sevcikova, Adrian E. Raftery, Patrick Gerland (2018). Probabilistic Projection of Subnational Total Fertility Rates. Demographic Research, Vol. 38(60), 1843-1884. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.60.


## Not run: 
# This command produces output data such as in the directory ex-data
sim.dir <- tempfile()
# Phase II MCMCs
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains=1, iter=60, output.dir=sim.dir, seed=1, verbose=TRUE)
# Phase III MCMCs (not included in the package)
m3 <- run.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, nr.chains=2, iter=100, thin=1, seed=1, verbose=TRUE)
# Prediction
pred <- tfr.predict(m, burnin=30, burnin3=50, verbose=TRUE)
summary(pred, country='Ghana')
unlink(sim.dir, recursive=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

MCMC Simulation Object


MCMC simulation object bayesTFR.mcmc containing information about one MCMC chain, either from Phase II or Phase III simulation. A set of such objects belonging to the same simulation together with a bayesTFR.mcmc.meta object constitute a bayesTFR.mcmc.set object.


An object bayesTFR.mcmc points to a place on disk (element output.dir) where MCMC results from all iterations are stored. They can be retrieved to the memory using get.tfr.mcmc(...) (Phase II) or get.tfr3.mcmc(...) (Phase III), and tfr.mcmc(...).

The object is in standard cases not to be manipulated by itself, but rather as part of a bayesTFR.mcmc.set object.


A bayesTFR.mcmc object contains parameters of the Bayesian hierarchical model, more specifically, their values from the last iteration. If it is a Phase II object these parameters are:
psi, chi, a_sd, b_sd, const_sd, S_sd, sigma0, mean_eps_tau, sd_eps_tau, Triangle4 - non-country specific parameters, containing one value each.
alpha, delta - non-country specific parameters, containing three values each.
U_c, d_c, Triangle_c4 - country-specific parameters (1d array).
gamma_ci - country-specific parameter with three values for each country, i.e. an n×3n \times 3 matrix where nn is the number of countries.
Phase III MCMC objects contain single-value parameters mu, rho,, sigma.rho, sigma.eps and nn-size vectors mu.c and rho.c.
Furthermore, the object (independent of Phase) contains components:


Total number of iterations the simulation was started with.


Number of iterations that were finished. Results from the last finished iteration are stored in the parameters above.


Length of the MCMC stored on disk. It differs from finished.iter only if thin is larger than one.


Thinning interval used when simulating the MCMCs.


Identifier of this chain.


Subdirectory (relative to output.dir in the bayesTFR.mcmc.meta object) where results of this chain are stored.


This is a placeholder for keeping whole parameter traces in the memory. If the processing operates in a low memory mode, it will be 0. It can be filled in using the function get.tfr.mcmc(..., low.memory=FALSE). In such a case, traces is a I×JI \times J array where II is the MCMC length and JJ is the number of parameters.


Burnin used to retrieve the traces, i.e. how many stored iterations are missing from the beginning in the traces array comparing to the ‘raw’ traces on the disk.


State of the random number generator at the end of the last finished interation.


Type of compression of the underlying files.


Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta used for simulation of this chain.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

run.tfr.mcmc, get.tfr.mcmc, run.tfr3.mcmc, get.tfr3.mcmc, bayesTFR.mcmc.set, bayesTFR.mcmc.meta


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
# loads traces from one chain
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=FALSE, burnin=35, chain.ids=1)
# should have 25 rows, since 60 iterations in total minus 35 burnin
dim(tfr.mcmc(m, 1)$traces)
## End(Not run)

MCMC Simulation Meta Object


Simulation meta object bayesTFR.mcmc.meta used by all chains of the same MCMC simulation. It contains information that is common to all chains. It is part of a bayesTFR.mcmc.set object.


The object is in standard cases not to be manipulated by itself, but rather as part of a bayesTFR.mcmc.set object.


A bayesTFR.mcmc.meta object contains various components that correspond to the input arguments of the run.tfr.mcmc and run.tfr3.mcmc functions. Furthermore, it contains components:


Number of MCMC chains.


Value 2 or 3, depending which Phase the object belongs to.


Directory for storing simulation output.

Value - Phase II

Furthermore, Phase II meta objects contain components:


A q×nq \times n matrix with the United Nations TFR estimates. qq is number of years (see T_end below), nn is number of countries (see nr_countries below). The first nen_e columns correspond to countries included in the MCMC estimation (see nr_countries_estimation below), where ne<=nn_e <= n.


Like tfr_matrix_all, but it has NA values for years where no historical data is available (i.e. after the last observed time period).


Like tfr_matrix_observed, but it has NA values before and after country”s fertility transition.


Number of countries included in the tfr matrices.


Number of countries included in the MCMC estimation. It must be smaller or equal to nr_countries.


Estimated start year of the fertility decline for each country (as a row index within the tfr matrices). -1 means that the decline started before start.year.


Index of countries for which present.year is equal to tau_c.


Index of countries for which the projection is made using the double logistic function, i.e. high fertility countries.


Index of countries with early decline, i.e. countries for which tau_c=-1.


Index of countries with not early decline.


Start period of the recovery phase for each country (as an index of the tfr_matrix).


Maximum of tau_c and 1 for each country. Thus, it is a row index of the tfr_matrix where the fertility decline starts.


Proposal covariance matrices of γci\gamma_{ci} for each country.


Number of years for which United Nations historical data are available (i.e. number of rows of tfr_matrix).


Like T_end but country specific.


List of arrays of length nr_countries. These are:
name - Region name for each country.
code - Region code for each country.
area_name - Area name for each country.
area_code - Area code for each country.
country_name - Array of country names.
country_code - Array of country codes.
Any country indices in the bayesTFR.mcmc.meta object are derived from this component.

Value - Phase III

Phase III meta objects contain additional components:


Indices of countries included in the Phase III estimation. It is relative to the order of countries in the region object in the parent meta object.


Number of countries included in the estimation.


Link to the Phase II meta object.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema

See Also

run.tfr.mcmc, get.tfr.mcmc, run.tfr3.mcmc, get.tfr3.mcmc


sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
summary(m, meta.only = TRUE)

Convertion to coda's Objects


The functions convert MCMC traces (simulated using run.tfr.mcmc and run.tfr3.mcmc) into objects that can be used with the coda package.


coda.list.mcmc(mcmc = NULL, country = NULL, chain.ids = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    par.names = tfr.parameter.names(), 
    par.names.cs = tfr.parameter.names.cs(), = FALSE, burnin = 0, 
    low.memory = FALSE, ...)
coda.list.mcmc3(mcmc = NULL, country = NULL, chain.ids = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    par.names = tfr3.parameter.names(), 
    par.names.cs = tfr3.parameter.names.cs(), 
    burnin = 0, low.memory = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.mcmc'
coda.mcmc(mcmc, country = NULL, 
    par.names = NULL, par.names.cs = NULL, 
    burnin = 0, thin = 1, ...)



In coda.mcmc, it is an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc. In coda.list.mcmc and coda.list.mcmc3, it is either a list of bayesTFR.mcmc objects, or an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set or in case of coda.list.mcmc it can be bayesTFR.prediction. If it is NULL, the MCMCs are loaded from sim.dir. Either mcmc or sim.dir must be given.


Country name or code. It is used in connection with the par.names.cs argument (see below).


Vector of chain identifiers. By default, all chains available in the mcmc.list object are included.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. Only used if mcmc.list is NULL.


Names of country-independent parameters to be included. In coda.mcmc the default names are tfr.parameter.names() if the mcmc object is an MCMC of phase II or tfr3.parameter.names() if the MCMC is of phase III.


Names of country-specific parameters to be included. The argument country is used to filter out traces that correspond to a specific country. If country is not given, for each parameter, traces for all countries are included. In coda.mcmc the default names are tfr.parameter.names.cs() if the mcmc object is an MCMC of phase II or tfr3.parameter.names.cs() if the MCMC is of phase III.

Logical indicating if parameters with constant values should be removed.


Burnin indicating how many iterations should be removed from the beginning of each chain.


Logical indicating if the function should run in a memory-efficient mode.


Thinning interval.


Additional arguments passed to the coda's mcmc function.


Function coda.list.mcmc is for accessing all chains of phase II MCMCs; Function coda.list.mcmc3 is for accessing all chains of phase III MCMCs.


The function coda.list.mcmc and coda.list.mcmc3 return an object of class “mcmc.list”. The function coda.mcmc returns an object of class “mcmc”, both defined in the coda package.


Hana Sevcikova

Converting TFR Trajectories into ACSII Files


Converts TFR trajectories stored in a binary format into two CSV files of a UN-specific format.


convert.tfr.trajectories(dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
    n = 1000, subdir = "predictions", output.dir = NULL, verbose = FALSE)



Directory containing the prediction object. It should correspond to the output.dir argument of the tfr.predict function.


Number of trajectories to be stored. It can be either a single number or the word “all” in which case all trajectories are stored.


Name of subdirectory of dir containing the prediction.


Directory in which the resulting files will be stored. If NULL the same directory is used as for the prediction.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


The function creates two files. One is called “ascii_trajectories.csv”, it is a comma-separated table with the following columns:


country code


prediction interval, e.g. 2015-2020


middle year of the prediction interval


identifier of the trajectory


total fertility rate

The second file is called “ascii_trajectories_wide.csv”, it is also a comma-separated table and it contains the same information as above but in a ‘transposed’ format. I.e. the data for one country are ordered in columns, thus, there is one column per country. The country columns are ordered alphabetically.

If n is smaller than the total number of trajectories, the trajectories are selected using equal spacing.


This function is automatically called from the tfr.predict function, therefore in standard cases it will not be needed to call it directly. However, it can be useful for example, if different number of trajectories are to be converted, without having to re-run the prediction.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

write.projection.summary, tfr.predict


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
pred.dir <- file.path(getwd(), "exampleTFRpred")

# stores 10 trajectories out of 35 (1x(60-25)) into 
# exampleTFRpred/predictions/ascii_trajectories.csv
tfr.predict(sim.dir=sim.dir, output.dir=pred.dir, use.tfr3=FALSE,
            burnin=25,, verbose=TRUE)
# stores all 35 trajectories into the current directory
convert.tfr.trajectories(dir=pred.dir, n="all", output.dir=".", verbose=TRUE)

# Note: If the output.dir argument in tfr.predict is omitted, 
# call convert.tfr.trajectories with dir=sim.dir 

## End(Not run)

Accessing Country Names


The function returns country names for countries given either by their codes or by index.


country.names(meta, countries = NULL, index = FALSE)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta, bayesTFR.mcmc.set, bayesTFR.mcmc, or bayesTFR.prediction.


Vector of country codes or indices. If it is not given, names of all countries are returned.


Logical indicating if the argument countries is an index.


The function considers countries that are included in the simulations and predictions. If the argument countries is not given, all countries are returned in the same order as they are stored in the meta object.


Vector of country names.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
# these two calls should give the same answer
country.names(m, c(800, 120))
country.names(m, c(15, 20), index=TRUE)

Plotting Posterior Distribution of the Double Logistic Function


The functions for plotting and retrieving the posterior distribution of the double logistic function used in the simulation of Phase II. Plots include the median and given probability intervals of the distribution.


DLcurve.plot(mcmc.list, country, burnin = NULL, pi = 80, tfr.max = 10, 
    nr.curves = NULL, predictive.distr = FALSE, ylim = NULL, 
    xlab = 'TFR (reversed)', ylab = 'TFR decrement', main = NULL, 
    show.legend = TRUE, col=c('black', 'red', "#00000020"), ...)
DLcurve.plot.all(mcmc.list = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, 
    output.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'DLcurves'),
    output.type = "png", burnin = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...), mcmc.list, burnin=NULL, countryUc=NULL, ...), mcmc.list, country, burnin=NULL, ...)



List of bayesTFR.mcmc objects, an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set or of class bayesTFR.prediction. In case of DLcurve.plot.all if it si NULL, it is loaded from sim.dir.


Name or code of a country. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Number of iterations to be discarded from the beginning of parameter traces.


Probability interval. It can be a single number or an array.


Maximum TFR to be shown in the plot.


Number of curves to be plotted. If NULL, all curves are plotted.


Logical. If TRUE, an error term is added to each trajectory.

ylim, xlab, ylab, main

Graphical parameters passed to the plot function.


Logical determining if the legend should be shown.


Vector of colors in this order: 1. observed data points, 2. quantiles, 3. trajectories


For the plotting functions, there are additional graphical parameters. For DLcurve.plot.all, ... contains also arguments pi, tfr.max and nr.curves. For the tfr.*.dlcurves functions, these are arguments passed to the underlying functions (predictive.distr and return.sigma for obtaining a sample of the standard deviation of the error term ).


Directory with the simulation results. Only relevant, if mcmc.list is NULL.


Directory into which resulting graphs are stored.


Type of the resulting files. It can be “png”, “pdf”, “jpeg”, “bmp”, “tiff”, or “postscript”.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


TFR values for which the double logistic should be computed.


Country to use the parameter U_c from (start of the fertility transition). If it is not given, the middle point of the prior distribution is used.


DLcurve.plot plots double logistic curves for the given country. DLcurve.plot.all creates such plots for all countries and stores them in output.dir. Parameters inputting the double logistic function are either thinned traces created by the tfr.predict function (if mcmc.list is an object of class bayesTFR.prediction), or they are selected by equal spacing from the MCMC traces. In the former case, burnin is set automatically; in the latter case, burnin defaults to 0 since such object has already been “burned”. If nr.curves is smaller than 2000, the median and probability intervals are computed on a sample of 2000 equally spaced data points, otherwise on all plotted curves.

Function returns the DL curves of the hierarchical distribution, conditioned on the starting point of the fertility transition in a given country (given by the countryUc argument). Function returns DL curves for a given country. If mcmc.list is a prediction object, burnin should not be given, as such object has already been “burned”.

Value and return a matrix of size N×MN \times M where NN is the number of trajectories and MM is the number of values of xx. If the argument return.sigma is set to TRUE, the return value is a list with the first element being the DL values and the second element being a matrix of the standard deviation of the DL error term sigma_eps.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
mcmc.set <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir)
DLcurve.plot(country="Burkina Faso", mcmc.set, burnin=15)

# add the median of the hierarchical DL curves
x <- seq(0, 10, length=100)
world <-, mcmc.set, burnin=15, countryUc="Burkina Faso")
qw <- apply(world, 2, median) 
lines(x, qw, col='blue')

## End(Not run)

Accessing Country Information


Function returns an object containing country name, code and index. Functions get.countries.table return a data frame containing codes, names and optionally ISO character codes of all countries. Functions get.countries.phase return countries table with the TFR phase they are currently in (1, 2, or 3).

Usage, meta = NULL, country.table = NULL, index = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.mcmc.set'
get.countries.table(object, iso = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.prediction'
get.countries.table(object, iso = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.mcmc.set'
get.countries.phase(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.prediction'
get.countries.phase(object, ...)



Country name, code or index. If it is an index, the argument index must be set to TRUE. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta. If it is not given, the argument country.table must be given.


A table containing columns “name” and “code” from which the country info can be extracted. Only relevant, if meta is NULL.


Logical determining if the argument country is an index.


Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set or bayesTFR.prediction.


Logical. If TRUE, two extra columns are added to the table, namely 2- and 3-characters ISO codes.


Not used.


Given partial information about a country (i.e. having either name or code or index), the function returns an object containing all three pieces of information. Only countries are considered that are included in the simulations and predictions. Country index is an internal index used in various components of a bayesTFR.mcmc.meta object.


Function returns a list with components:


Country name


Country numeric code


Country index

Function get.countries.table returns a data frame with columns code, name, and optionally (if iso is TRUE) iso2 and iso3.

Function get.countries.phase returns a data frame with columns code, name and phase.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
# all five calls should give the same answer'China', m$meta)'CN', m$meta), m$meta), m$meta, index=TRUE), NULL, country.table=get.countries.table(m))

# phase 3 countries
subset(get.countries.phase(m), phase == 3)

Covariance Matrices of Gamma Parameters


From a given MCMC, obtain a covariance matrix of the γci\gamma_{ci} (i=1,2,3i=1,2,3) parameters for each country cc.


get.cov.gammas(mcmc.set = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, burnin = 200, = 1)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set. If it is NULL, the sim.dir is used to load existing simulation results.


Directory with existing MCMC simulation results. It is only used if mcmc.set is NULL.


Number of burn-in iterations to be discarded from the begining of the chain.

Identifier of the MCMC to be used. By default the first chain is used.


In order to speed-up MCMC convergence, the package contains default values of gamma covariance that were obtained from a previous run (they can be loaded using data(proposal_cov_gammas_cii)). However, this function allows to obtain new values and overwrite the default values by passing the resulting object to the run.tfr.mcmc function as the proposal_cov_gammas argument.


A list with components:


An array of size nr_countries ×\times 3 ×\times 3 containing values of the covariance matrix of γci\gamma_{ci} (i=1,2,3i=1,2,3) for each country cc.


A vector of size nr_countries. A covariance matrix values[i,,] corresponds to a country with the code country_codes[i].


Leontine Alkema, Hana Sevcikova

See Also



## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
cov.gammas <- get.cov.gammas(sim.dir=sim.dir, burnin=0)
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains=1, iter=10, proposal_cov_gammas=cov.gammas, verbose=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Accessing estimated bias and standard deviations


Functions for obtaining bias and standard deviation of the estimated models as well as the model fits.

Usage = NULL, country = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, ...)
get.bias.model(mcmc.list = NULL, country = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, ...)
get.std.model(mcmc.list = NULL, country = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, ...)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set corresponding to Phase II MCMCs. If it is NULL, the object is loaded from the directory given by sim.dir.


Name or numerical code of a country. It can also be given as ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. Only used if mcmc.list is not given.


Not used.


Functions get.bias.model and get.std.model are used to obtain the model fit for estimated bias and standard deviation, respectively, when uncertainty about input data is taken into account. These are used in the MCMC steps stored in mcmc.list. Function combines both infos into one object.


Functions get.bias.model and get.std.model return a list with


lm object corresponding to the linear model used to estimate the bias (in case of get.bias.model) and standard deviation (in case of get.std.model).


data.frame object storing the bias/standard deviation of all possible combinations in the raw data sets for the given country.

Function consolidates these items into a single list where the elements are model_bias, model_sd and table.


Peiran Liu, Hana Sevcikova


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
mcmc.set <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains = 1, iter = 10, 
    output.dir = sim.dir, uncertainty = TRUE), "Nigeria")
unlink(sim.dir, recursive = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Accessing Subnational Prediction Objects


Retrieve subnational (regional) prediction results produced by tfr.predict.subnat, either for one country or for all available countries.


get.regtfr.prediction(sim.dir, country = NULL)



Simulation directory of the subnational predictions. It corresponds to the argument output.dir in tfr.predict.subnat.


Numerical country code. If it is not given, all available subnational predictions are retrieved.


Predictions for country xx are assumed to be stored in “sim.dir/subnat/cxx”.


If argument country is given, the function returns an object of class bayesTFR.prediction. If it is NULL, it returns a list of such objects. Names of the list items are the country codes.

See Also



# Subnational example data
my.subtfr.file <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), 'extdata', 'subnational_tfr_template.txt')
subtfr <- read.delim(my.subtfr.file, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
countries <- unique(subtfr[, c("country_code", "country")])

# Directory with national projections (contains 30 trajectories for each country)
nat.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")

# Subnational projections for all three countries ()
subnat.dir <- tempfile()
tfr.predict.subnat(countries$country_code, my.tfr.file=my.subtfr.file,
    sim.dir=nat.dir, output.dir=subnat.dir, start.year=2013)
# Retrieve results for all countries
preds <- get.regtfr.prediction(subnat.dir)

# View tables of subregions for each country
for(i in 1:nrow(countries)) {
  cat("\n\n", countries$country[i], "\n")
# Quantiles for individual subregions
tfr.trajectories.table(preds[["218"]], "Bolivar")

# Retrieve results for one country
pred <- get.regtfr.prediction(subnat.dir, 218)
tfr.trajectories.plot(pred, "Loja")

# cleanup

# See more examples in ?tfr.predict.subnat

Accessing a Convergence Object


The function loads objects of class bayesTFR.convergence from disk.


get.tfr.convergence(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    thin=80, burnin = 2000)
get.tfr.convergence.all(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"))

get.tfr3.convergence(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    thin=60, burnin = 10000)
get.tfr3.convergence.all(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"))



Simulation directory used for computing the diagnostics.


Thinning interval used with this diagnostics.


Burnin used for computing the diagnostics.


Function get.tfr.convergence loads an object of class bayesTFR.convergence for the specific thin and burnin generated for Phase II MCMCs. Function get.tfr.convergence.all loads all Phase II bayesTFR.convergence objects available for sim.dir. Functions get.tfr3.convergence and get.tfr3.convergence.all do the same thing for Phase III MCMCs.


get.tfr.convergence and get.tfr3.convergence return an object of class bayesTFR.convergence;
get.tfr.convergence.all and get.tfr3.convergence.all return a list of objects of class bayesTFR.convergence.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

bayesTFR.convergence, summary.bayesTFR.convergence.

Get Past TFR Estimation


Get past TFR estimation, including trajectories and quantiles if required.


get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list = NULL, country = NULL, 
    sim.dir = NULL, burnin = 0, thin = 1, probs = NULL, adjust = TRUE,
    country.code = deprecated(), ISO.code = deprecated())



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set corresponding Phase II MCMCs. If it is NULL, the object is loaded from the directory given by sim.dir.


Name or numerical code of a country. It can also be given as ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. Only used if mcmc.list is NULL.


Burn-in for getting trajectories and quantiles. A positive burn-in xx will remove first xx iterations from each chain.


Thin for getting trajectories and quantiles. Thinning level xx greater than 1 will store one iteration per xx samples.


A vector of numbers between [0,1][0,1] specifying which estimation quantiles should be outputted. If it is set to NULL no quantiles are returned. It can be set to the word “mean”, in which case the estimation mean is outputted.


Logical indicating whether the adjusted median and trajectories should be returned.

country.code, ISO.code

Deprecated arguments. Use argument country instead.


This function is used to obtain the TFR estimation trajectories as well as corresponding quantiles if the mcmc.list has been obtained while taking account for uncertainty about the past, i.e. uncertainty=TRUE in run.tfr.mcmc. Quantiles or the mean are included in the results if probs is not NULL.



Table storing the trajectories. It is a matrix with rows equal to number of trajectories, and column equal to number of time periods.


A list storing information about the country which the trajectories and quantiles correspond to. It corresponds to the output of


Optional. A data.table object, storing the quantiles or the mean of estimates for each time period as specified by the probs argument. The time periods are contained in the year column.


Peiran Liu, Hana Sevcikova


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains = 1, iter = 10, output.dir = sim.dir, uncertainty = TRUE)
get.tfr.estimation(m, "Nigeria", probs = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
unlink(sim.dir, recursive = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Accessing MCMC Results


The function get.tfr.mcmc retrieves results of an MCMC simulation of Phase II and creates an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set. Function has.tfr.mcmc checks the existence of such results. Functions get.tfr3.mcmc and has.tfr3.mcmc do the same for Phase III MCMCs. Function tfr.mcmc extracts a single chain and tfr.mcmc.list extracts several or all chains from the simulation results.


get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    chain.ids = NULL, low.memory = TRUE, burnin = 0, verbose = FALSE)


get.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), ...)



tfr.mcmc.list(mcmc.set, chain.ids=NULL)



Directory where the simulation results are stored.


Chain identifiers in case only specific chains should be included in the resulting object. By default, all available chains are included.


If FALSE full MCMC traces are loaded into memory.


Burnin used for loading traces. Only relevant, if low.memory=FALSE.


Logical switching log messages on and off.

Chain identifier.


Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set.


Arguments passed to get.tfr.mcmc.


Function get.tfr.mcmc is an accessor of results generated using run.tfr.mcmc and continue.tfr.mcmc. Function get.tfr3.mcmc can be used to access results generated using run.tfr3.mcmc and continue.tfr3.mcmc.


get.tfr.mcmc and get.tfr3.mcmc return an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set. has.tfr.mcmc and has.tfr3.mcmc return a logical value. tfr.mcmc returns an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc, and tfr.mcmc.list returns a list of bayesTFR.mcmc objects.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)

# summary of the single chains
for(mc in tfr.mcmc.list(m)) print(summary(mc))

Accessing MCMC Parameter Traces


Functions for accessing traces of the MCMC parameters, either country-independent or country-specific. Functions get.tfr.parameter.traces and get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs access Phase II MCMCs; Functions get.tfr3.parameter.traces and get.tfr3.parameter.traces.cs access Phase III MCMCs.


get.tfr.parameter.traces(mcmc.list, par.names = tfr.parameter.names(), 
    burnin = 0, thinning.index = NULL, thin = NULL)
get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs(mcmc.list, country.obj, 
    burnin=0, thinning.index=NULL, thin=NULL)
get.tfr3.parameter.traces(mcmc.list, par.names = tfr3.parameter.names(), ...)
get.tfr3.parameter.traces.cs(mcmc.list, country.obj, 
    par.names=tfr3.parameter.names.cs(), ...)



List of bayesTFR.mcmc objects.


Country object list (see


Names of country-independent parameters (in case of get.tfr.parameter.traces) or country-specific parameters (in case of get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs) to be included.


Burnin indicating how many iterations should be removed from the beginning of each chain.


Index of the traces for thinning. If it is NULL, thin is used. thinning.index does not include burnin. For example, if there are two MCMC chains of length 1000, burnin=200 and we want a sample of length 400, then the value should be thinning.index=seq(1,1600, length=400).


Alternative to thinning.index. In the above example it would be thin=4.


Arguments passed to underlying functions (i.e. to get.tfr.parameter.traces or get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs).


All functions return a matrix with columns being the parameters and rows being the MCMC values, attached to one another in case of multiple chains. get.tfr.parameter.traces and get.tfr3.parameter.traces return country-independent parameters, get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs and get.tfr3.parameter.traces.cs return country-specific parameters.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

coda.list.mcmc for another way of retrieving parameter traces.


sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
tfr.values <- get.tfr.parameter.traces(m$mcmc.list, burnin=10, par.names="sigma0")
## Not run: 
hist(tfr.values, main=colnames(tfr.values))

## End(Not run)
tfr.values.cs <- get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs(m$mcmc.list, 
          "Canada", meta=m$meta),
                    burnin=10, par.names="Triangle_c4")
## Not run: 
hist(tfr.values.cs, main=colnames(tfr.values.cs))

## End(Not run)

Accessing a Prediction Object


Function get.tfr.prediction retrieves results of a prediction and creates an object of class bayesTFR.prediction. Function has.tfr.prediction checks an existence of such results. Function available.tfr.predictions lists predictions available in the given simulation directory.


get.tfr.prediction(mcmc = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, mcmc.dir = NULL,
                    subdir = "predictions")

has.tfr.prediction(mcmc = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, subdir = "predictions")

available.tfr.predictions(mcmc = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, full.names = FALSE)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set used to make the prediction. It must correspond to a Phase II MCMC. If it is NULL, the prediction is loaded from directory given by sim.dir.


Directory where the prediction is stored. It should correspond to the value of the output.dir argument used in the tfr.predict function. Only relevant if mcmc is NULL.


Optional argument to be used only in a special case when the mcmc object contained in the prediction object was estimated in different directory than in the one to which it points to (for example due to moving or renaming the original directory). The argument causes that the mcmc is redirected to the given directory. It can be set to NA if no loading of the mcmc object is desired.


Subdirectory of sim.dir for this particular prediction.


Logical. If TRUE, the directory names are given as full paths, otherwise (default) only the base names.


If mcmc is not NULL, the search directory is set to mcmc$meta$output.dir. This approach assumes that the prediction was stored in the same directory as the MCMC simulation, i.e. the output.dir argument of the tfr.predict function was set to NULL. If it is not the case, the argument mcmc.dir should be used.

Usually, all predictions are stored in the subdirectory “predictions” of the simulation directory. If the subdirectory has a different name, the argument subdir should be used. This allows to keep multiple predictions in one (MCMC) simulation directory.

The function available.tfr.predictions can be used to view all available predictions in the simulation directory.


Function has.tfr.prediction returns a logical indicating if a prediction exists for the given mcmc.

Function available.tfr.predictions returns a vector of directory names containing TFR predictions.

Function get.tfr.prediction returns an object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

bayesTFR.prediction, tfr.predict, summary.bayesTFR.prediction


sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
pred <- get.tfr.prediction(sim.dir=sim.dir)
summary(pred, country="Canada")

Accessing TFR Trajectories


Function for accessing TFR trajectories.


get.tfr.trajectories(tfr.pred, country)



Object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Name or code of a country. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


The function loads TFR trajectories for the given country from disk, offsets it if needed (see tfr.median.shift) and returns it as a matrix.


Array of size number of projection periods (including the present year) times the number of trajectories. The row names correspond to the mid-years of the prediction periods.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

bayesTFR.prediction, get.tfr.prediction, tfr.trajectories.table, tfr.median.shift


sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output") 
pred <- get.tfr.prediction(sim.dir=sim.dir)
get.tfr.trajectories(pred, "Germany")

Creating and Accessing Thinned MCMCs


The function get.thinned.tfr.mcmc accesses a thinned and burned version of the given Phase II MCMC set. create.thinned.tfr.mcmc creates or updates such a set.


get.thinned.tfr.mcmc(mcmc.set, thin = 1, burnin = 0)

create.thinned.tfr.mcmc(mcmc.set, thin = 1, burnin = 0, 
    output.dir = NULL, verbose = TRUE, uncertainty = FALSE,
    update.with.countries = NULL)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set of Phase II.

thin, burnin

Thinning interval and burnin used for creating or identifying the thinned object.


Output directory. It is only used if the output goes to a non-standard directory.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


If users want to save the thinned estimated TFR in the new mcmc object, this parameter should be set TRUE.


If an existing set is to be updated, this should be a vector of country indices for the update.


The function create.thinned.tfr.mcmc is called from tfr.predict and thus, the resulting object contains exactly the same MCMCs used for generating projections. In addition, it can be also called from tfr.diagnose if desired, so that the projection process can re-use such a set that leads to a convergence.

The thinning is done as follows: The given burnin is removed from the beginning of each chain in the original MCMC set. Then each chain is thinned by thin using equal spacing and all chains are collapsed into one single chain per parameter. They are stored in the main simulation directory under the name ‘thinned_mcmc_t_b’ where t is the value of thin and b the value of burnin.

If uncertainty=TRUE, the estimated TFR is thinned and saved as well.


Both functions return an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set. get.thinned.tfr.mcmc returns NULL if such object does not exist.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

bayesTFR.mcmc.set, tfr.predict, tfr.diagnose


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains=2, iter=30, seed=1, output.dir=sim.dir, verbose=TRUE)
tfr.predict(m, burnin=15, use.tfr3=FALSE) # creates thinned MCMCs
mb <- get.thinned.tfr.mcmc(m, thin=1, burnin=15)
summary(mb, meta.only=TRUE) # length 30 = 2chains x (30-15)iters.
unlink(sim.dir, recursive=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Total Number of Iterations


Function gives the total number of iterations of MCMCs summed over chains whith burnin being subtracted from each chain. Function get.stored.mcmc.length gives the total length of the MCMCs stored on disk minus those iterations that correspond to burnin. Result of the latter will be different from the former only if the MCMCs were run with value of thin larger than one.

Usage, burnin = 0)

get.stored.mcmc.length(mcmc.list, burnin = 0)



List of bayesTFR.mcmc objects.


Number of iterations to be subtracted from each chain.


A single number.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
mcmc.set <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir)$mcmc.list) # 60=1chain x 60iters$mcmc.list, burnin=20) # 40=1x(60-20)

## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(iter=10, nr.chains=2, output.dir=sim.dir, thin=5, verbose=TRUE)$mcmc.list) # 20=2x10
get.stored.mcmc.length(m$mcmc.list) # 6=2x3
unlink(sim.dir, recursive=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Inclusion Codes


Data sets containing codes that determine which countries are to be included into a simulation or/and projections.




Data frames containing one record per country or region. It has the following variables:


Numerical Location Code (3-digit codes following ISO 3166-1 numeric standard) - see


Entries for which include_code=2 are included in the MCMC estimation of the hyperparameters of the model. Entries for which include_code is 1 or 2 are included in the prediction. Entries with 0 are excluded from both.


In a simulation, an include_* dataset is selected that corresponds to the given wpp.year passed to the function run.tfr.mcmc. It is merged with a tfr dataset from the corresponding wpp package using the country_code column. Thus, the country entries in this dataset should correspond to entries in the tfr dataset.

The package contains also a dataset called ‘my_tfr_template’ (in ‘extdata’ directory) which is a template for user-specified TFR time series. It has the same structure as the tfr dataset, except that most of the columns are optional. The only required column is country_code (see description of the argument my.tfr.file in run.tfr.mcmc).


Data provided by the United Nations Population Division.



Running Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Parameters of Total Fertility Rate in Phase II


Runs (or continues running) MCMCs for simulating the total fertility rate of all countries of the world (phase II), using a Bayesian hierarchical model.


run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains = 3, iter = 62000, 
    output.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    thin = 1, replace.output = FALSE, annual = FALSE, uncertainty = FALSE, 
    start.year = 1950, present.year = 2020, wpp.year = 2019, 
    my.tfr.file = NULL, my.locations.file = NULL, my.tfr.raw.file = NULL, = TRUE, ar.phase2 = FALSE, buffer.size = 100, 
    raw.outliers = c(-2, 1),
    U.c.low = 5.5, U.up = 8.8, U.width = 3,
    mean.eps.tau0 = -0.25, sd.eps.tau0 = 0.4, nu.tau0 = 2, 
    Triangle_c4.low = 1, Triangle_c4.up = 2.5, 
    Triangle_c4.trans.width = 2,
    Triangle4.0 = 0.3, delta4.0 = 0.8, nu4 = 2,
    S.low = 3.5, S.up = 6.5, S.width = 0.5, 
    a.low = 0, a.up = 0.2, a.width = 0.02, 
    b.low = a.low, b.up = a.up, b.width = 0.05, 
    sigma0.low = if (annual) 0.0045 else 0.01, sigma0.up = 0.6,  
    sigma0.width = 0.1, sigma0.min = 0.04, 
    const.low = 0.8, const.up = 2, const.width = 0.3, 
    d.low = 0.05, d.up = 0.5, d.trans.width = 1, 
    chi0 = -1.5, psi0 = 0.6, nu.psi0 = 2, 
    alpha0.p = c(-1, 0.5, 1.5), delta0 = 1, nu.delta0 = 2, 
    dl.p1 = 9, dl.p2 = 9, phase3.parameter=NULL,
    S.ini = NULL, a.ini = NULL, b.ini = NULL, sigma0.ini = NULL, 
    Triangle_c4.ini = NULL, const.ini = NULL, gamma.ini = 1, 
    phase3.starting.values = NULL, proposal_cov_gammas = NULL, 
    iso.unbiased = NULL, covariates = c("source", "method"), cont_covariates = NULL,"source", seed = NULL, parallel = FALSE, nr.nodes = nr.chains, 
    save.all.parameters = FALSE, compression.type = 'None',
    auto.conf = list(max.loops = 5, iter = 62000, iter.incr = 10000, 
        nr.chains = 3, thin = 80, burnin = 2000),
    verbose = FALSE, verbose.iter = 10, ...)
continue.tfr.mcmc(iter, chain.ids = NULL, 
    output.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    parallel = FALSE, nr.nodes = NULL, auto.conf = NULL,
    verbose = FALSE, verbose.iter = 10, ...)



Number of MCMC chains to run.


Number of iterations to run in each chain. In addition to a single value, it can have the value ‘auto’ in which case the function runs for the number of iterations given in the auto.conf list (see below), then checks if the MCMCs converged (using the auto.conf settings). If it did not converge, the procedure is repeated until convergence is reached or the number of repetition exceeded auto.conf$max.loops.


Directory which the simulation output should be written into.


Thinning interval between consecutive observations to be stored on disk.


If TRUE, existing outputs in output.dir will be replaced by results of this simulation.


If TRUE, the model will be trained based on annual TFR data.


Logical. If TRUE, the model described in Liu and Raftery(2020) which takes into account uncertainty about the past TFR observations is used. It will take the observations from rawTFR or from a file given by my.tfr.raw.file, estimate the distribution of these observations with respect to the true TFR. Then instead of treating the observed data as true data, it assumes the true TFR is unknown and include an extra step for estimating past TFR.

Logical indicating if default WPP data should be used, i.e. if my.tfr.file will be matched with the WPP data in terms of time periods and locations. If FALSE, it is assumed that the my.tfr.file contains all locations and time periods to be included in the simulation.


Logical where TRUE implies that the autoregressive component on the residual (for Phase II) is considered as a global parameter. Only used if annual is TRUE. See details below.


Start year for using historical data.


End year for using historical data.


Year for which WPP data is used. The functions loads a package called wppxx where xx is the wpp.year and uses the tfr* datasets.


File name containing user-specified TFR time series for one or more countries. See Details below.


File name containing user-specified locations. See Details below.


File name of the raw TFR, used when uncertainty is TRUE. See details below.


Buffer size (in number of iterations) for keeping data in the memory. The smaller the buffer.size the more often will the process access the hard disk and thus, the slower the run. On the other hand, the smaller the buffer.size the less data will be lost in case of failure.


Vector of size two giving the maximum annual decrease and increase of raw TFR change, respectively. The default values mean that any raw TFR data that decrease more than 2 or increase more than 1 in one year are considered as outliers.

U.c.low, U.up

Lower and upper bound of the parameter UcU_c, the start level of the fertility transition. The lower bound is set for each country as the maximum of U.c.low and the minimum of historical TFR for that country.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the UcU_c parameter.

mean.eps.tau0, sd.eps.tau0

Mean and standard deviation of the prior distribution of mτm_{\tau} which is the mean of the distortion terms ϵc,τ\epsilon_{c,\tau} in start periods τc\tau_c.


The shape parameter of the prior Gamma distribution of 1/sτ21/s_{\tau}^2 is nu.tau0/2. sτs_{\tau} is standard deviation of the distortion terms in start periods τc\tau_c.

Triangle_c4.low, Triangle_c4.up

Lower and upper bound of the Δc4\Delta_{c4} parameter.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the logit-transformed Δc4\Delta_{c4} parameter.

Triangle4.0, delta4.0

Mean and standard deviation of the prior distribution of the Δ4\Delta_4 parameter which is the hierarchical mean of the logit-transformed Δc4\Delta_{c4}.


The shape parameter of the prior Gamma distribution of 1/δ421/\delta_4^2 is nu4/2. δ4\delta_4 is standard deviation of the logit-transformed Δc4\Delta_{c4}.

S.low, S.up

Lower and upper bound of the uniform prior distribution of the SS parameter which is the TFR at which the distortion has maximum variance.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the SS parameter.

a.low, a.up

Lower and upper bound of the uniform prior distribution of the aa parameter which is a coefficient for linear decrease of the TFR for TFR larger than SS.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the aa parameter.

b.low, b.up

Lower and upper bound of the uniform prior distribution of the bb parameter which is a coefficient for linear decrease of the TFR for TFR smaller than SS.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the bb parameter.

sigma0.low, sigma0.up

Lower and upper bound of the uniform prior distribution of the σ0\sigma_0 parameter. σ02\sigma_0^2 is the maximum variance of the distortions at TFR equals SS.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the σ0\sigma_0 parameter.


Minimum value that σ0\sigma_0 can take.

const.low, const.up

Lower and upper bound of the uniform prior distribution of the cc parameter which is the multiplier of standard deviation of the distortions before 1975.


Width for slice sampling used when updating the cc parameter.

d.low, d.up

Lower and upper bound of the parameter dcd_c, the maximum annual decrement for country cc. (Note that in Alkema et al. this parameter is a five-years decrement.)


Width for slice sampling used when updating the logit-transformed dcd_c parameter.

chi0, psi0

Prior mean and standard deviation of the χ\chi parameter which is the hierarchical mean of logit-transformed maximum decline parameter dcd_c.


The shape parameter of the prior Gamma distribution of 1/ψ21/\psi^2 is nu.psi0/2. ψ\psi is the standard devation of logit-transformed maximum decline parameter dcd_c.


Vector of prior means of the αi\alpha_i parameters, i=1,2,3i=1,2,3. αi\alpha_i is the hierarchical mean of γci\gamma_{ci}.


Prior standard deviation of the αi\alpha_i parameters. It is a single value, i.e. the same standard deviation is used for all ii.


The shape parameter of the prior Gamma distribution of 1/δi21/\delta_i^2 is nu.delta0/2. δi\delta_i is the standard deviation of γci\gamma_{ci}.

dl.p1, dl.p2

Values of the parameters p1p_1 and p2p_2 of the double logistic function.


When uncertainty=TRUE, we need to combine the MCMC process for Phase II and Phase III together. This parameter is used to provide a list for phase3 initial ranges, such as mu.prior.range. If the input is NULL, the default values will be used.


Initial value for the SS parameter. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the interval [S.low, S.up]. Otherwise, it is equally spaced distributed between S.low and S.up.


Initial value for the aa parameter. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the interval [a.low, a.up]. Otherwise, it is equally spaced distributed between a.low and a.up.


Initial value for the bb parameter. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the interval [b.low, b.up]. Otherwise, it is equally spaced distributed between b.low and b.up.


Initial value for the σ0\sigma_0 parameter. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the interval [sigma0.low, sigma0.up]. Otherwise, it is equally spaced distributed between sigma0.low and sigma0.up.


Initial value for the Δc4\Delta_{c4} parameter. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the interval [Triangle_c4.low, Triangle_c4.up]. Otherwise, it is equally spaced distributed between Triangle_c4.low and Triangle_c4.up.


Initial value for the cc parameter. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the interval [const.low, const.up]. Otherwise, it is equally spaced distributed between const.low and const.up.


Initial value for the γc\gamma_c parameter. The same value is used for all countries.


This parameter is used to provide a list of Phase 3 initial values, such as mu.ini and rho.ini in run.tfr3.mcmc. If the input is NULL, the default values will be used.


Proposal for the gamma covariance matrices for each country. It should be a list with two values: values and country_codes. The structure corresponds to the object returned by the function get.cov.gammas. By default the covariance matrices are obtained using data(proposal_cov_gammas_cii). This argument overwrite the defaults for countries contained the argument.


Codes of countries for which the vital registration TFR estimates are considered unbiased. Only used if uncertainty = TRUE. See details below.

covariates, cont_covariates

Categorical and continuous features used in estimating bias and standard deviation if uncertainty = TRUE. See details below.

If uncertainty is TRUE this is a column name within the given covariates that determines the data source. It is used if iso.unbiased is given to identify the vital registration records.


Seed of the random number generator. If NULL no seed is set. It can be used to generate reproducible results.


Logical determining if the simulation should run multiple chains in parallel. If it is TRUE, the package snowFT is required. In such a case further arguments can be passed, see description of ....


Relevant only if parallel is TRUE. It gives the number of nodes for running the simulation in parallel. By default it equals to the number of chains.


If TRUE, the distortion terms ϵc,t\epsilon_{c,t} for all tt are stored on disk, otherwise not.


One of ‘None’, ‘gz’, ‘xz’, ‘bz’, determining type of a compression of the MCMC files. Important: Do not use this option for a long MCMC simulation as this tends to cause very long run times due to slow reading!


List containing a configuration for an ‘automatic’ run (see description of argument iter). Item iter gives the number of iterations in the first chunk of the MCMC simulation; item iter.incr gives the number of iterations in the following chunks; nr.chains gives the number of chains in all chunks of the MCMC simulation; items thin and burnin are used in the convergence diagnostics following each chunk; max.loops controls the maximum number of chunks. All items must be integer values. This argument is only used if the function argument iter is set to ‘auto’.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Integer determining how often (in number of iterations) log messages are outputted during the estimation.


Additional parameters to be passed to the function performParallel, if parallel is TRUE. For example cltype which is ‘SOCK’ by default but can be set to ‘MPI’.


Array of chain identifiers that should be resumed. If it is NULL, all existing chains in output.dir are resumed.


The function run.tfr.mcmc creates an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta and stores it in output.dir. It launches nr.chains MCMCs, either sequentially or in parallel. Parameter traces of each chain are stored as (possibly compressed) ASCII files in a subdirectory of output.dir, called mcx where x is the identifier of that chain. There is one file per parameter, named after the parameter with the suffix “.txt”, possibly followed by a compression suffix if compression.type is given. Country-specific parameters (U,d,γU, d, \gamma) have the suffix _cy where y is the country code. In addition to the trace files, each mcx directory contains the object bayesTFR.mcmc in binary format. All chain-specific files are written into disk after the first, last and each buffer.size-th iteration.

Using the function continue.tfr.mcmc one can continue simulating an existing MCMCs by iter iterations for either all or selected chains.

The function loads observed data (further denoted as WPP dataset) from the tfr and tfr_supplemental datasets in a wppxx package where xx is the wpp.year. It is then merged with the include dataset that corresponds to the same wpp.year. The argument my.tfr.file can be used to overwrite those default data. If is FALSE, it fully replaces the default dataset. Otherwise (by default), such a file can include a subset of countries contained in the WPP dataset, as well as a set of new countries. In the former case, the function replaces the corresponding country data from the WPP dataset by values in this file. Only columns are replaced that match column names of the WPP dataset, and in addition, columns ‘last.observed’ and ‘include_code’ are used, if present. Countries are merged with WPP using the column ‘country_code’. In addition, in order the countries to be included in the simulation, in both cases (whether they are included in the WPP dataset or not), they must be contained in the table of locations (UNlocations). In addition, their corresponding include_code must be set to 2. If the column ‘include_code’ is present in my.tfr.file, its value overwrites the default include code, unless it is -1.

The default UN table of locations mentioned above can be overwritten/extended by using a file passed as the my.locations.file argument. Such a file must have the same structure as the UNlocations dataset. Entries in this file will overwrite corresponding entries in UNlocations matched by the column ‘country_code’. If there is no such entry in the default dataset, it will be appended. This option of appending new locations is especially useful in cases when my.tfr.file contains new countries/regions that are not included in UNlocations. In such a case, one must provide a my.locations.file with a definition of those countries/regions.

For simulation of the hyperparameters of the Bayesian hierarchical model, all countries are used that are included in the WPP dataset, possibly complemented by the my.tfr.file, that have include_code equal to 2. The hyperparameters are used to simulate country-specific parameters, which is done for all countries with include_code equal 1 or 2. The following values of include_code in my.tfr.file are recognized: -1 (do not overwrite the default include code), 0 (ignore), 1 (include in prediction but not estimation), 2 (include in both, estimation and prediction). Thus, the set of countries included in the estimation and prediction can be fully user-specific.

Optionally, my.tfr.file can contain a column called last.observed containing the year of the last observation for each country. In such a case, the code would ignore any data after that time point. Furthermore, the function tfr.predict fills in the missing values using the median of the BHM procedure (stored in tfr_matrix_reconstructed of the bayesTFR.prediction object). For last.observed values that are below a middle year of a time interval [ti,ti+1][t_i, t_{i+1}] (computed as ti+3t_i+3) the last valid data point is the time interval [ti1,ti][t_{i-1}, t_i], whereas for values larger equal a middle year, the data point in [ti,ti+1][t_i, t_{i+1}] is valid.

The package contains a dataset called ‘my_tfr_template’ (in ‘extdata’ directory) which is a template for user-specified my.tfr.file.

The parameter uncertainty is set to control whether past TFR is considered to be precise (FALSE), or need to be estimated from the raw data (TRUE). In the latter case, the raw TFR observations are taken either from the rawTFR dataset (default) or from a file given by the my.tfr.raw.file argument. The Bayesian hierarchical model considers the past TFR as unknown, estimates it and stores in output.dir. Details can be found in Liu and Raftery (2020). The covariates, cont_covariates arguments are for listing categorical and continuous features for estimating bias and standard deviation of past TFR observations. If a country is known to have unbiased vital registration (VR) records, one can include it in the iso.unbiased argument as those countries will estimate their past VR records to have 0 bias and 0.0161 standard deviation. The VR records are identified as having “VR” in the column given by (“source” by default).

If annual=TRUE, which implies using annual data for training the model, the parameter ar.phase2 will be activated. If ar.phase2 is set to TRUE, then the model of Phase II will change from dc,t=gc,t+ϵc,td_{c,t} = g_{c,t} + \epsilon_{c,t} to dc,tgc,t=ϕ(dc,t1gc,t1)+ϵc,td_{c,t}-g_{c,t} = \phi(d_{c,t-1}-g_{c,t-1}) + \epsilon_{c,t}. ϕ\phi is considered as country-independent and is called rho_phase2.

Furthermore, if annual is TRUE and my.tfr.file is given, the data in the file must be on annual basis and no matching with the WPP dataset takes place.


An object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set which is a list with two components:


An object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta.


A list of objects of class bayesTFR.mcmc, one for each MCMC.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema, Peiran Liu


Peiran Liu, Hana Sevcikova, Adrian E. Raftery (2023): Probabilistic Estimation and Projection of the Annual Total Fertility Rate Accounting for Past Uncertainty: A Major Update of the bayesTFR R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 106(8), 1-36. doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i08.

L. Alkema, A. E. Raftery, P. Gerland, S. J. Clark, F. Pelletier, Buettner, T., Heilig, G.K. (2011). Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries. Demography, Vol. 48, 815-839. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0040-5.

P. Liu, and A. E. Raftery (2020). Accounting for Uncertainty About Past Values In Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries. Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol 14, no. 2, 685-705. doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1294.

See Also

get.tfr.mcmc, summary.bayesTFR.mcmc.set.


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains = 1, iter = 5, output.dir = sim.dir, verbose = TRUE)
m <- continue.tfr.mcmc(iter = 5, verbose = TRUE)
unlink(sim.dir, recursive = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Run MCMC for Extra Countries, Areas or Regions


Run MCMC for extra countries, areas or regions. It uses the posterior distribution of model hyperparameters from an existing simulation to generate country-specific parameters.


run.tfr.mcmc.extra(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    countries = NULL, my.tfr.file = NULL, 
    iter = NULL, thin = 1, thin.extra = 1, burnin = 2000,
    parallel = FALSE, nr.nodes = NULL,  my.locations.file = NULL,
    uncertainty = FALSE, my.tfr.raw.file = NULL, = TRUE, iso.unbiased = NULL, 
    covariates = c('source', 'method'), cont_covariates = NULL, = "source", average.gammas.cov = TRUE, 
    verbose = FALSE, verbose.iter = 100, ...)



Directory with an existing simulation.


Vector of country codes. These include codes of areas and regions (see column country_code in UNlocations).


File name containing user-specified TFR time series for countries for which the simulation should run (see Details below).


Number of iterations to be used for sampling from the posterior distribution of the hyperparameters. By default, the number of iterations used in the existing simulation is taken.


Thinning interval for sampling from the posterior distribution of the hyperparameters.


Thinning interval for the MCMC run for extra countries.


Number of iterations discarded before sampling from the posterior distribution of the hyperparameters. It is also used when computing proposal of gamma covariance matrices (see get.cov.gammas).


Logical determining if the simulation should run multiple chains in parallel.


Relevant only if parallel is TRUE. It gives the number of nodes for running the simulation in parallel. By default it equals to the number of chains contained in the existing simulation.


File name containing user-specified locations. See Details below.


Whether past TFR uncertainty is considered. If TRUE, countries listed in countries will be re-simulated with the model that accounts for past TFR estimation. It will take observations either from rawTFR (default) or from a file given by my.tfr.raw.file, and estimate the distribution of these observations with respect to the true TFR. Then instead of treating the observed data as true data, it assumes the true TFR are unknown and includes an extra step for estimating past TFR.


File name of the raw TFR used when uncertainty is TRUE. See details in run.tfr.mcmc.

Logical indicating if default WPP data should be used, i.e. if my.tfr.file will be matched with the WPP data in terms of time periods and locations. If FALSE, it is assumed that the my.tfr.file contains all locations and time periods to be included in the simulation.


Codes of countries for which the vital registration TFR estimates are considered unbiased. See details in run.tfr.mcmc.

covariates, cont_covariates

Categorical and continuous features used in estimating bias and standard deviation if uncertainty is TRUE. See details in run.tfr.mcmc.

If uncertainty is TRUE this is a column name within the given covariates that determines the data source. It is used if iso.unbiased is given to identify the vital registration records.


Set this to FALSE if the processed country has been included in the main simulation. In such a case the proposal gamma covariance matrix is taken from the proposal_cov_gammas_cii dataset. By default, the matrix is taken as an average from all countries.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Integer determining how often (in number of iterations) log messages are outputted during the estimation.


Additional parameters to be passed to the function performParallel, if parallel is TRUE.


The function can be used to make predictions for countries, areas or regions (further denoted as ‘countries’) that were not included in the MCMC estimation (invoked by run.tfr.mcmc). It creates MCMC traces for country-specific parameters. The purpose of this function is to have country-specific parameters available in order to be able to generate projections for additional countries or their aggregations, without having to re-run the often time-expensive MCMC simulation.

The set of countries to be considered by this function can be given either by their codes, using the argument countries, in which case the countries must be included in the UN WPP tfr dataset. Or, it can be given by a user-specific TFR file, using the argument my.tfr.file. The countries argument haas a priority over my.tfr.file.

In the default case of uncertainty = FALSE, the function will ignore all countries that were used in the existing MCMC simulation for estimating the hyperparameters. However, countries that already own country-specific parameters (e.g. because they were included in my.tfr.file passed to run.tfr.mcmc with include_code = 1, or from a previous pass of the run.tfr.mcmc.extra function) get their parameters recomputed. In case of uncertainty = TRUE, all specified countries, regardless if they were included in the existing world simulation or not, get their parameters recomputed. It is therefore advisable to make a backup copy of the exisiting MCMC simulation, as there is a no easy way to revert the parameters to their original values.

Note that all affected countries should be included in the UNlocations dataset, but unlike in run.tfr.mcmc, their include_code is ignored. As in the case of run.tfr.mcmc, the default dataset of locations UNlocations can be overwritten using a file of the same structure as UNlocations passed via the my.locations.file argument. This file should be especially used, if TFR is simulated for new locations that are not included in UNlocations.


An object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set.


If there is an existing projection for the directory sim.dir, use tfr.predict.extra to obtain projections for the extra countries used in this function.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema, Peiran Liu

See Also

run.tfr.mcmc, tfr.predict.extra


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains = 1, iter = 20, output.dir = sim.dir, verbose = TRUE)
m <- run.tfr.mcmc.extra(sim.dir = sim.dir, countries = c(908, 924), 
  burnin = 10, verbose = TRUE)
summary(m, country = 924)
pred <- tfr.predict(m, burnin = 10, use.tfr3 = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
summary(pred, country = 908)
unlink(sim.dir, recursive = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Running Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Parameters of Total Fertility Rate in Phase III


Runs (or continues running) MCMCs for simulating Phase III total fertility rate, using a Bayesian hierarchical version of an AR(1) model.


run.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir, nr.chains = 3, iter = 50000, thin = 10, 
    replace.output = FALSE, my.tfr.file = NULL, buffer.size = 100, 
    use.extra.countries = FALSE, 
    mu.prior.range = c(0, 2.1), rho.prior.range = c(0, 1 - .Machine$double.xmin), = c(1e-05, 0.318), sigma.rho.prior.range = c(1e-05, 0.289), 
    sigma.eps.prior.range = c(1e-05, 0.5), 
    mu.ini = NULL, mu.ini.range = mu.prior.range, 
    rho.ini = NULL, rho.ini.range = rho.prior.range, = NULL, =, 
    sigma.rho.ini = NULL, sigma.rho.ini.range = sigma.rho.prior.range, 
    sigma.eps.ini = NULL, sigma.eps.ini.range = sigma.eps.prior.range, 
    seed = NULL, parallel = FALSE, nr.nodes = nr.chains, compression.type = "None", 
    auto.conf = list(max.loops = 5, iter = 50000, iter.incr = 20000, nr.chains = 3, 
                    thin = 60, burnin = 10000), 
    verbose = FALSE, verbose.iter = 1000, ...)
continue.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir, iter, chain.ids=NULL, 
    parallel = FALSE, nr.nodes = NULL, auto.conf = NULL,
    verbose=FALSE, verbose.iter = 1000, ...)



Directory with an existing simulation of phase II TFR (see run.tfr.mcmc).


Number of MCMC chains to run.


Number of iterations to run in each chain. In addition to a single value, it can have the value ‘auto’ in which case the function runs for the number of iterations given in the auto.conf list (see below), then checks if the MCMCs converged (using the auto.conf settings). If it did not converge, the procedure is repeated until convergence is reached or the number of repetition exceeded auto.conf$max.loops.


Thinning interval between consecutive observations to be stored on disk.


If TRUE, previously stored results of a phase III simulation will be overwritten.


File name containing user-specified TFR time series for one or more countries. See description of this argument in run.tfr.mcmc.


Buffer size (in number of iterations) for keeping data in the memory.


By default, only countries are used in the MCMCs that were assigned for estimation (i.e. their ‘include_code’ is 2 in the include) dataset and are in phase III at present time (argument present.year in run.tfr.mcmc). If this argument is TRUE, countries that were added using run.tfr.mcmc.extra and are in phase III are also included.

mu.prior.range, rho.prior.range,, sigma.rho.prior.range, sigma.eps.prior.range

Min and max for the prior (uniform) distribution of these paraemters.

mu.ini, rho.ini,, sigma.rho.ini, sigma.eps.ini

Initial value(s) of the parameters. It can be a single value or an array of the size nr.chains. By default, if nr.chains is 1, it is the middle point of the corresponding range. Otherwise, it is uniformly randomly distributed within the range.

mu.ini.range, rho.ini.range,, sigma.rho.ini.range, sigma.eps.ini.range

Min and max for the initial values.


Seed of the random number generator. If NULL no seed is set.


Logical determining if the simulation should run multiple chains in parallel. If it is TRUE, the package snowFT is required.


Relevant only if parallel is TRUE. It gives the number of nodes for running the simulation in parallel.


One of ‘None’, ‘gz’, ‘xz’, ‘bz’, determining type of a compression of the MCMC files. Important: Do not use this option for a long MCMC simulation as this tends to cause very long run times due to slow reading!


List containing a configuration for an ‘automatic’ run (see description of argument iter). Item iter gives the number of iterations in the first chunk of the MCMC simulation; item iter.incr gives the number of iterations in the following chunks; nr.chains gives the number of chains in all chunks of the MCMC simulation; items thin and burnin are used in the convergence diagnostics following each chunk; max.loops controls the maximum number of chunks. All items must be integer values. This argument is only used if the function argument iter is set to ‘auto’.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Integer determining how often (in number of iterations) messages are outputted during the estimation.


Additional parameters to be passed to the function performParallel, if parallel is TRUE.


Array of chain identifiers that should be resumed. If it is NULL, all existing chains are resumed.


The MCMCs are stored in sim.dir in a subdirectory called “phaseIII”. It has exactly the same structure as phase II MCMCs described in run.tfr.mcmc.


An object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set which is a list with two components:


An object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta.


A list of objects of class bayesTFR.mcmc, one for each MCMC.


Hana Sevcikova


Raftery, A.E., Alkema, L. and Gerland, P. (2014). Bayesian Population Projections for the United Nations. Statistical Science, Vol. 29, 58-68. doi:10.1214/13-STS419.

See Also

run.tfr.mcmc, get.tfr3.mcmc


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
# Runs Phase II MCMCs (must be run before Phase III)
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains=1, iter=5, output.dir=sim.dir, verbose=TRUE)
# Runs Phase III MCMCs
m3 <- run.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, nr.chains=2, iter=50, thin=1, verbose=TRUE)
m3 <- continue.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, iter=10, verbose=TRUE)
summary(m3, burnin=10)
unlink(sim.dir, recursive=TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Summary of a TFR Convergence Object


Summary of an object of class bayesTFR.convergence created using the tfr.diagnose or tfr3.diagnose functions. It gives an overview about parameters that did not converge.


## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.convergence'
summary(object, expand = FALSE, ...)



Object of class bayesTFR.convergence.


By default, the function does not show parameters for each country for which there was no convergence, if the status is ‘red’. This argument can switch that option on.


Not used.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

tfr.diagnose, tfr3.diagnose

Summary Statistics for TFR Markov Chain Monte Carlo Chains


Summary of an object bayesTFR.mcmc.set or bayesTFR.mcmc, computed via run.tfr.mcmc or run.tfr3.mcmc. It can be obtained either for all countries or for a specific country, and either for all parameters or for specific parameters. The function uses the summary.mcmc function of the coda package.


## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.mcmc.set'
summary(object, country = NULL, = NULL,
    par.names = NULL, par.names.cs = NULL, meta.only = FALSE, 
    thin = 1, burnin = 0, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.mcmc'
summary(object, country = NULL, par.names = NULL, par.names.cs = NULL, 
    thin = 1, burnin = 0, ...)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set or bayesTFR.mcmc.


Country name or code if a country-specific summary is desired. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters. By default, summary for all countries is generated.

Identifiers of MCMC chains. By default, all chains are considered.


Country independent parameters to be included in the summary. If the underlying object is an MCMC of phase II, the default names are given by tfr.parameter.names(), if it is phase III the names are tfr3.parameter.names().


Country-specific parameters to be included in the summary. If the underlying object is an MCMC of phase II, the default names are given by tfr.parameter.names.cs(), if it is phase III the names are tfr3.parameter.names.cs().


If it is TRUE, only meta information of the simulation is included.


Thinning interval. Only used if larger than the thin argument used in run.tfr.mcmc or run.tfr3.mcmc.


Number of iterations to be discarded from the beginning of each chain before computing the summary.


Additional arguments passed to the summary.mcmc function of the coda package.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

bayesTFR.mcmc.set, summary.mcmc


sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
m <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
summary(m, country="CZE", burnin=15)

Summary of a Prediction of the Total Fertility Rate


Country-specific summary of an object of class bayesTFR.prediction, created using the function tfr.predict. The summary contains the mean, standard deviation and several commonly used quantiles of the simulated trajectories.


## S3 method for class 'bayesTFR.prediction'
summary(object, country = NULL, compact = TRUE, ...)



Object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Country name or code. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters. If it is NULL, only prediction parameters are included.


Logical switching between a smaller and larger number of displayed quantiles.


A list of further arguments.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
pred <- tfr.predict(sim.dir=sim.dir, 
                    output.dir=file.path(getwd(), "exampleTFRpred"), 
                    use.tfr3=FALSE, burnin=15, verbose=TRUE)
# If the above function was run previously, do
# pred <- get.tfr.prediction(sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), "exampleTFRpred"))
summary(pred, country = "Ireland")

## End(Not run)

Raw TFR Data


Data set containing the raw TFR estimates for all countries and the data quality covariates.




A data frame with 12709 observations on the following 5 variables.


Three-digit UN ISO-3166 code for the country of that observation is for.


a numeric vector for the year of the observation data.


TFR value.


Estimation method to obtain this value. One of the categorical data quality indicator.


Source of the data. One of the categorical data quality indicator.


It is used as the default raw TFR data in a run.tfr.mcmc simulation. It can be used as a template for a user-defined data which can be provided via the my.tfr.raw.file argument of run.tfr.mcmc. The “method” and “source” columns are used as the default data quality covariates.


Data provided by the United Nations Population Division.



Convergence Diagnostics of TFR Markov Chain Monte Carlo


Functions tfr.diagnose and tfr3.diagnose run convergence diagnostics of existing TFR MCMCs for phase II and phase III, respectively, using the raftery.diag function from the coda package. has.mcmc.converged checks if the existing diagnostics converged.


tfr.diagnose(sim.dir, thin = 80, burnin = 2000, express = FALSE, 
    country.sampling.prop = NULL, keep.thin.mcmc=FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
tfr3.diagnose(sim.dir, thin = 60, burnin = 10000, express = TRUE, 
    country.sampling.prop = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)



Directory with the MCMC simulation results.


Thinning interval.


Number of iterations to be discarded from the beginning of the parameter traces.


Logical. If TRUE, the convergence diagnostics is run only on the country-independent parameters. If FALSE, the country-specific parameters are included in the diagnostics. The number of countries can be controlled by country.sampling.prop.


Proportion of countries that are included in the diagnostics. If it is NULL and express=FALSE, all countries are included. Setting here a number between 0 and 1, one can limit the number of countries which are then randomly sampled. Note that for long MCMCs, this argument may significantly influence the run-time of this function.


Logical. If TRUE the thinned traces used for computing the diagnostics are stored on disk (see create.thinned.tfr.mcmc). It is only available for phase II MCMCs.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Object of class bayesTFR.convergence.


Not used.


The diagnose functions invoke the tfr.raftery.diag (or tfr3.raftery.diag) function separately for country-independent parameters and for country-specific parameters. It results in two possible states: red, i.e. it did not converge, and green, i.e. it converged. The resulting object from tfr.diagnose is stored in
{sim.dir}/diagnostics/bayesTFR.convergence_{thin}_{burnin}.rda’ and can be accessed using the function get.tfr.convergence. Function tfr3.diagnose stores its result into
{sim.dir}/phaseIII/diagnostics/bayesTFR.convergence_{thin}_{burnin}.rda’ which can be accessed via get.tfr3.convergence.


has.mcmc.converged returns a logical value determining if there is convergence or not.

tfr.diagnose and tfr3.diagnose return an object of class bayesTFR.convergence with components:


Table containing all not-converged parameters. Its columns include ‘Total iterations needed’ and ‘Remaining iterations’.

Number of rows in result that correspond to country-independent paramters. These rows are groupped at the beginning of the table.


Result of tfr.raftery.diag processed on country-independent parameters.


Result of tfr.raftery.diag processed on country-specific parameters.


Number of additional iterations suggested in order to achieve convergence.

Total number of iterations of the original unthinned set of chains.

Suggestion for number of trajectories in generating predictions.


Burnin used.


Thinning interval used.


Vector of character strings containing the result status. Possible values: ‘green’, ‘red’.


Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set that corresponds to the original set of MCMCs on which the diagnostics was run.


If keep.thin.mcmc is TRUE, it is an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set that corresponds to the thinned mcmc set on which the diagnostics was run, otherwise NULL.


Value of the input argument express.


Vector with elements used - number of countries used in this diagnostics, and total - number of countries that this mcmc.set object was estimated on.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema, Adrian Raftery

See Also

tfr.raftery.diag, raftery.diag, summary.bayesTFR.convergence, get.tfr.convergence, create.thinned.tfr.mcmc

Goodness of Fit of the Double Logistic Function


The function computes coverage, i.e. the ratio of observed data fitted within the given probability intervals of the predictive posterior distribution of the double logistic function, as well as the root mean square error and mean absolute error of the simulation.


tfr.dl.coverage(sim.dir, pi = c(80, 90, 95), burnin = 2000, verbose = TRUE)



Directory with the MCMC simulation results. If a prediction and its corresponding thinned MCMCs are available in the simulation directory, those are taken for assessing the goodness of fit.


Probability interval. It can be a single number or an array.


Burnin. Only relevant if sim.dir does not contain thinned chains.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


List with the following components:


Vector of the coverage, one element per probability interval. For each pi, it is the ratio of the number of observed data points that fall within the probability interval of the posterior distribution over the total number of data points, i.e. TFR for all countries and historical time periods.


Matrix corresponding to the coverage computed per time period. (Rows correspond to probability intervals, columns correspond to time.) It is derived like total.coverage except that both, the nominator and denominator, contain only data points belonging to the corresponding time period.


Matrix corresponding to the coverage computed per country. (Rows correspond to probability intervals, columns correspond to countries.) It is derived like total.coverage except that both, the nominator and denominator, contain only data points belonging to the corresponding country.


Root mean square error as (1/n(xm)2)\sqrt{(1/n\sum(x-m)^2)} where xx are observed data points, mm is the mean of the posterior distribution and nn is the number of data points. Here the sum is taken over all countries and historical time periods.


Like total.rmse except that each time period is considered separately.


Like total.rmse except that each country is considered separately.


Mean absolute error as 1/nxm1/n\sum|x-m| where xx are observed data points, mm is the median of the posterior distribution and nn is the number of data points. Here the sum is taken over all countries and historical time periods.


Like total.mae except that each time period is considered separately.


Like total.mae except that each country is considered separately.


T×CT \times C matrix (with TT being the number of time periods and CC being the number of countries), containing the predictive CDF of the observation, i.e. the quantile of each data point within the predictive posterior distribution.


0-1 T×CT \times C matrix indicating if the corresponding data point was included in the goodness of fit computation. Zeros indicate missing historical values.


To see the fit visually per country, use DLcurve.plot(..., predictive.distr=TRUE,...).


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
tfr <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
# Note that this simulation is a toy example and thus has not converged.
gof <- tfr.dl.coverage(sim.dir)
DLcurve.plot(tfr, country=608, predictive.distr=TRUE, pi=c(80, 90, 95))

## End(Not run)

Plot TFR Estimation


Plot past TFR estimation results from a simulation that accounted for past TFR uncertainty.


tfr.estimation.plot(mcmc.list = NULL, country = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, 
    burnin = 0, thin = 1, pis = c(80, 95), plot.raw = TRUE, 
    grouping = "source", save.image = TRUE, plot.dir = "Estimation.plot", 
    adjust = TRUE, country.code = deprecated(), ISO.code = deprecated())



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set corresponding Phase II MCMCs. If it is NULL, the object is loaded from the directory given by sim.dir.


Name or numerical code of a country. It can also be given as ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results.


Burn-in for getting trajectories and quantiles. A positive burn-in xx will remove first xx iterations from each chain.


Thin for getting trajectories and quantiles. Thinning level xx greater than 1 will store one iteration per xx samples


Probability interval. It can be a single number or an array of two numbers.


Whether raw data used for the estimation should be plotted.


If raw data is plotted, then grouping should be one of the categorical feature in the data, so that the color and shape of the raw data will differ for different groups.


Logical. Whether the resulting plot will be saved.


If save.image=TRUE, specify the directory for saving the plot.


Logical. By default, if the estimation median is adjusted using e.g. tfr.median.set.all, the function plots the adjusted median. If adjust=FALSE the original (non-adjusted) median is plotted.

country.code, ISO.code

Deprecated arguments. Use argument country instead.


tfr.estimation.plot plots posterior distribution of past TFR estimations for a given country. It only works if uncertainty is considered in the MCMC process.


Peiran Liu, Hana Sevcikova


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
mcmc.set <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains = 1, iter = 10, output.dir = sim.dir, 
    replace.output = TRUE, uncertainty = TRUE)
tfr.estimation.plot(mcmc.set, "Nigeria", save.image = FALSE)
unlink(sim.dir, recursive = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

TFR World Map


Generate world maps of the total fertility rate for given projection period and quantile, using different techniques: and use rworldmap, tfr.ggmap uses ggplot2, and creates an interactive map via GoogleVis. In addition to TFR, all these functions allow to project country specific Phase II MCMC parameters into the world maps.

Usage, quantile = 0.5, 
    year = NULL, = NULL, adjusted = FALSE,
    projection.index = 1, device = "", main = NULL, 
    resolution=c("coarse","low","less islands","li","high"),
    device.args = NULL, data.args = NULL, ...)

tfr.ggmap(pred, quantile = 0.5, 
    year = NULL, = NULL, adjusted = FALSE,
    projection.index = 1, main = NULL, data.args = NULL, 
    viridis.option = "B", nr.cats = 10, same.scale = FALSE, 
    plot = TRUE, = NULL, plot.size = 4, ...), year = NULL, quantile = 0.5, pi = 80, = NULL, adjusted = FALSE, ...), output.dir, output.type = "png", 
    tfr.range = NULL, nr.cats = 50, same.scale = TRUE, 
    quantile = 0.5, file.prefix='TFRwrldmap_', ...), tfr.range = NULL, 
    nr.cats = 50, same.scale = TRUE, quantile = 0.5, ...)



Object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Quantile for which the map should be generated. It must be equal to one of the values in dimnames(pred$quantiles[[2]]), i.e. 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975, 1. Value 0.5 corresponds to the median.


Year to be plotted. It can be a year within a projection period or a year within an estimation period. In the latter case, the observed data are plotted. If not given, projection.index determines the projection year.

Name of a country-specific parameter to be plotted. If NULL, the TFR is plotted. Allowed values are any of those returned by tfr.parameter.names.cs.extended() and ‘lambda’ (see Details).


Logical indicating if the measure to be plotted is based on adjusted TFRs.


Index of the projection to be displayed. It is only relevant if year is NULL. projection.index=1 means the present year, projection.index=2 means the first projection period after present year, etc..


Device for displaying the map. It is passed to the mapDevice function of the rworldmap package. If it is equal to ‘dev.cur’, the current device is used. Otherwise, it can be ‘’, ‘png’, ‘pdf’ etc.


Title for the map. If it is NULL, a default title is constructed from the projection year and quantile.


Map resolution as implemented in getMap. High resolution requires the rworldxtra package.


List of additional arguments to be passed to the mapDevice function of the rworldmap package.


List of additional arguments to be passed to the underlying data retrieving function.


Argument option passed to the ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c function indicating the colormap. Available are ‘magma’ (or ‘A’), ‘inferno’ (or ‘B’, default), ‘plasma’ (or ‘C’), ‘viridis’ (or ‘D’) and ‘cividis’ (or ‘E’).


Number of color categories.


Logical controlling if maps for all projection years of this prediction object should be on the same color scale.


Logical indicating if a plot should be shown. If FALSE, the function only returns the ggplot object.

Name of a file to save the plot. If NULL nothing is saved. The type of the file is determined by its extension. Only used if plot is TRUE.


Height of the plotting device in inches. The width is automatically set using the aspect ratio of 2.36. Only used if plot is TRUE.


Directory into which resulting maps are stored.


Type of the resulting files. It can be “png”, “pdf”, “jpeg”, “bmp”, “tiff”, or “postscript”.


Range of the total fertility rate to be displayed. It is of the form c(tfr.min, tfr.max). By default, the whole range is considered. Note that countries with values outside of the given range will appear white.


Prefix for file names.


Arguments passed to the mapCountryData function of the rworldmap package. In case of these are passed to the underlying data retrieving function (the same as data.args). In case of tfr.ggmap which uses ggplot2 they are passed to the geom_sf function.


Probability interval to be shown when a country is selected in an interactive map. The corresponding quantiles must be available (see argument quantile above).

Details creates a single map for a given projection period and quantile using the rworldmap package. generates a sequence of such maps, namely one for each projection period. If the package fields is installed, a color bar legend at the botom of the map is created.

Function can be used in combination with (Note that is called from inside of It sets breakpoints for the color scheme using quantiles of a fitted gamma distribution.

Function tfr.ggmap is similar to, but used the ggplot2 package in combination with the geom_sf function.

Function creates an interactive map using the googleVis package and opens it in an internet browser. It also generates a table of TFRs that can be sorted by columns interactively in the browser.

By default,, tfr.ggmap and produce maps of TFRs. Alternatively, the functions can be used to plot country-specific Phase II MCMC parameters into a world map. They are given by the argument In addition to the MCMC parameters, if'lambda', the period of the end of TFR decline (i.e. start of Phase III) is computed for each country and projected into the map. In such a case, for we recommend to adjust the color scale in e.g. using the arguments catMethod='pretty' and numCats=20 (see mapCountryData).

Value returns a list with elements:


The object of class bayesTFR.prediction used in the function.


Value of the argument quantile.


If the argument same.scale is TRUE, this element contains breakpoints for categorization. It is generated from a fitted gamma distribution. Otherwise, it is NULL.


Number of categories.


Subset of the rainbow palette, starting from dark blue and ending at red.


Additional arguments passed to the function.


Hana Sevcikova, Patrick Gerland, Adrian Raftery


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
pred <- get.tfr.prediction(sim.dir=sim.dir)

# Using ggplot2
tfr.ggmap(pred, year = 2100)

# Using rworldmap
# Uses heat colors and seven categories by default
# Uses more colors with more suitable categorization
params <-"", params)
# Another projection year on the same scale"", c(list(year=2043), params))

# Using Google Vizualization tool

## End(Not run)

Editing Medians of the Projection


These functions are to be used by expert analysts. They allow to change the projection medians either to specific values, including the WPP values, or shift the medians by a given constant, or by a specific adjusting procedure.


tfr.median.set(sim.dir, country, values, years = NULL, ...)

tfr.median.shift(sim.dir, country, reset = FALSE, shift = 0, 
    from = NULL, to = NULL, ...)
tfr.median.adjust(sim.dir, countries, factor1 = 2/3, factor2 = 1/3, forceAR1 = FALSE,
    subdir = "predictions")

tfr.median.reset(sim.dir, countries = NULL, ...), subdir = "predictions", ...)



Directory containing the prediction object.


Name or numerical code of a country.


Vector of country names or codes. If NULL in the tfr.median.reset function, the reset is done for all countries.


Array of the new median values.


Numeric vector giving years which values correspond to. Ideally it should be of the same length as values. If it is NULL, values are set starting from the first prediction period. If values correspond to consecutive years, only the first year might be given here. A year tt represents a prediction period [ti,ti+1][t_i, t_{i+1}] if ti<tti+1t_i < t \leq t_{i+1}.


Logical. If TRUE medians in a range of from and to are reset to their original values.


Constant by which the medians should be offset. It is not used if reset is TRUE.


Year from which the offset/reset should start. By default, it starts at the first prediction period.


Year until which the offset/reset should be done. By default, it is set to the last prediction period.

factor1, factor2

Adjusting factors for the first and second projection period, respectively (see below).


Logical. If TRUE, the given countries are forced to enter Phase III (i.e. the AR(1) process) in the first projection period.


Subdirectory of sim.dir containing the predictions.


Additional arguments passed to the underlying adjustment function. For it can be stat with values “median” (default) or “mean” to specify which statistics should be adjusted; verbose to show/hide the progress of the adjustment and wpp.year to adjust it to if it differs from the wpp year of the simulation. For the other functions it can be subdir to specify the location of the prediction.


The function tfr.median.set can be used to set the medians of the given country to specific values. Function tfr.median.shift can be used to offset the medians by a specific constant, or to reset the medians to their original BHM values. Function tfr.median.adjust runs the prediction procedure for the given countries with an additional decrement in the model in the first two projection periods. In the first projection period it is computed as factor1*S where S is a difference between observed decrement and the expected decrement (by the double logistic function) in the last observed period. In the second projection period, in the formula factor1 is replaced by factor2. If forceAR1 is set to TRUE, we recommend to set factor1 and factor2 to 0. The function then calls tfr.median.set in order to store the new median for each country. shifts the projected medians or means (if stat is “mean”), so that they correspond to the values found in the tfrprojMed datasets of the wpp package that either corresponds to the package used for the simulation itself or is given by the wpp.year argument. If using wpp2022 or higher, the dataset name is automatically adjusted depending if it is an annual or a 5-year simulation. Note that regardless if it is an adjustment of the median or mean, the corresponding offset is always converted to a shift of the median.

Function tfr.median.reset resets medians of the given countries to the original values. By default it deletes adjustments for all countries.

In all five functions, if a median is modified, the corresponding offset is stored in the prediction object (element median.shift) and the updated prediction object is written back to disk. All functions in the package that use trajectories and trajectory statistics use the median.shift values to offset the results correspondingly, i.e. trajectories are shifted the same way as the medians.


All functions return an updated object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema

See Also

tfr.median.set.all for shifting estimation medians.

Editing median for estimation and projections.


These functions are to be used by expert analysts. They allow to change the estimation and projection medians to specific values or to the WPP values.


tfr.median.set.all(sim.dir, country, values, years = NULL, 
    burnin = 0, thin = 1, subdir = "predictions")

tfr.median.reset.estimation(sim.dir, countries = NULL), ..., verbose = TRUE)



Directory containing the prediction object.


Name or numerical code of a country.


Vector of country names or codes. If NULL, the reset is done for all countries.


Array of the new median values.


Numeric vector giving years which values correspond to. Ideally it should be of the same length as values.


Burnin to use when computing the estimation median.


Thinning interval to use when computing the estimation median.


Subdirectory of sim.dir containing the predictions.


Can be used to pass burnin thin to the underlying funcions.


Logical. If TRUE a progress of the adjustment is shown.


Expert analysts can use these functions to adjust both prediction and estimation medians. Estimation medians can only be adjusted if the simulation was performed with uncertainty = TRUE. In such a case years can include past time periods. By default a union of estimation and projection time periods is considered when matched to values.

Function shifts the median estimation of all countries so that they match the values in the tfr dataset of the corresponding WPP package. Argument burnin and thin should be passed to compute the estimation medians.

Function tfr.median.reset.estimation resets previous adjustments obtained using tfr.median.set.all. By default it resets adjustments for all countries.


Output is a list. If there are time periods matched to estimation, an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.meta is included in the element meta. If there are time periods matched to years in prediction, then an object of class bayesTFR.prediction is included in the element pred.

Function returns the updated mcmc.set object.


Peiran Liu

See Also for shifting prediction medians to WPP values.

Accessing Parameter Names


Functions for accessing names of the MCMC parameters, either country-independent or country-specific.


tfr.parameter.names(trans = NULL, meta = NULL)
tfr.parameter.names.cs(country.code = NULL, trans = NULL, back.trans = TRUE)
tfr.parameter.names.cs.extended(country.code = NULL)

tfr3.parameter.names.cs(country.code = NULL)



It can be NULL or logical. If TRUE, names of the transformable parameters (i.e. ‘alpha’ in case of country-independent parameters, or ‘gamma’ in case of country-specific parameters) are replaced by the names of the transformed parameters (i.e. ‘alphat’, or ‘gammat’). If trans=FALSE, there is no such replacement. If trans=NULL, all parameter names, including the transformable parameters are returned.


It can be NULL or a bayesTFR.mcmc.meta object. If not NULL and its element ar.phase2 is TRUE (i.e. the simulation considered an additional AR(1) parameter in the estimation), then the names include also ‘phi’.


Country code. If it is given, the country-specific parameter names contain the postfix ‘_cxx’ where xx is the country.code.


Logical indicating if back-transformable parameter names (i.e. ‘Triangle_c1’, ..., ‘Triangle_c3’) should be returned.


tfr.parameter.names returns names of the country-independent Phase II parameters.
tfr.parameter.names.cs returns names of the country-specific Phase II parameters.
tfr.parameter.names.extended returns names of all country-independent Phase II parameters, including the transformed parameters. Parameters ‘alpha’, ‘delta’, ‘alphat’, and‘deltat’ are in their extended format with the postfix ‘_1’, ‘_2’ and ‘_3’.
tfr.parameter.names.cs.extended returns names of all country-specific Phase II parameters, including the transformed parameters. Parameters ‘gamma’ and‘gammat’ are in their extended format with the postfix ‘_1’, ‘_2’ and ‘_3’.
tfr3.parameter.names returns names of the country-independent Phase III parameters.
tfr3.parameter.names.cs returns names of the country-specific Phase III parameters.


Hana Sevcikova



Plotting MCMC Parameter Density


Functions for plotting density of the posterior distribution of the MCMC parameters.


tfr.pardensity.plot(mcmc.list = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    chain.ids = NULL, par.names = tfr.parameter.names(trans = TRUE), 
    burnin = NULL, dev.ncol=5, low.memory = TRUE, ...)
tfr.pardensity.cs.plot(country, mcmc.list=NULL, 
    sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr.parameter.names.cs(trans=TRUE), 
    burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory=TRUE, ...)
tfr3.pardensity.plot(mcmc.list = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    chain.ids = NULL, par.names = tfr3.parameter.names(), 
    burnin = NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory = TRUE, ...)
tfr3.pardensity.cs.plot(country, mcmc.list=NULL, 
    sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr3.parameter.names.cs(), 
    burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=2, low.memory=TRUE, ...)



Name or code of a country. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


List of bayesTFR.mcmc objects, or an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set or of class bayesTFR.prediction (allowed only for Phase II MCMCs). If it is NULL, the parameter values are loaded from sim.dir.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. It is only used if mcmc.list is NULL.


List of MCMC identifiers to be plotted. If it is NULL, all chains found in mcmc.list or sim.dir are plotted.


Names of parameters for which density should be plotted. By default all (possibly transformed) country-independent parameters are plotted if used within tfr.pardensity.plot and tfr3.pardensity.plot, or country-specific parameters are plotted if used within tfr.pardensity.cs.plot and tfr3.pardensity.cs.plot.


Number of iterations to be discarded from the beginning of each chain.


Number of column for the graphics device. If the number of parameters is smaller than dev.ncol, the number of columns is automatically decreased.


Logical indicating if the processing should run in a low-memory mode. If it is FALSE, traces of all available parameters are loaded into memory. Otherwise, parameters are loaded as they are needed and are not kept in the memory.


Further arguments passed to the density function.


The functions plot the density of the posterior distribution either for country-independent parameters (tfr.pardensity.plot for phase II MCMCs and tfr3.pardensity.plot for phase III MCMCs) or for country-specific parameters (tfr.pardensity.cs.plot for phase II and tfr3.pardensity.cs.plot for phase III), one graph per parameter. One can restrict it to specific chains by setting the chain.ids argument and to specific parameters by setting the par.names argument.

If mcmc.list is an object of class bayesTFR.prediction (which is allowed in tfr.pardensity.plot and tfr.pardensity.cs.plot only) and if this object contains thinned traces, they are used instead of the full chains. In such a case, burnin and chain.ids cannot be modified - their value is set to the one used when the thinned traces were created, namely when running tfr.predict. In a situation with long MCMC chains, this approach can significantly speed-up creation of the density plots.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also



## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
tfr.pardensity.cs.plot(country="Ireland", sim.dir=sim.dir, bw=0.2)

## End(Not run)

Plotting MCMC Parameter Traces


Functions for plotting the MCMC parameter traces.


tfr.partraces.plot(mcmc.list = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), chain.ids = NULL, 
    par.names = tfr.parameter.names(trans = TRUE), 
    nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol=5, low.memory = TRUE, ...)
tfr.partraces.cs.plot(country, mcmc.list = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), chain.ids = NULL, 
    par.names = tfr.parameter.names.cs(trans = TRUE), 
    nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory = TRUE, ...)
tfr3.partraces.plot(mcmc.list = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), chain.ids = NULL, 
    par.names = tfr3.parameter.names(), 
    nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory = TRUE, ...)
tfr3.partraces.cs.plot(country, mcmc.list = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), chain.ids = NULL, 
    par.names = tfr3.parameter.names.cs(), 
    nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol=2, low.memory = TRUE, ...)



Name or numerical code of a country. The code can be either numeric or ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


List of bayesTFR.mcmc objects, or an object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set or of class bayesTFR.prediction (allowed only for Phase II MCMCs). If it is NULL, the traces are loaded from sim.dir.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. It is only used if mcmc.list is NULL.


List of MCMC identifiers to be plotted. If it is NULL, all chains found in mcmc.list or sim.dir are plotted.


Names of parameters for which traces should be plotted. By default all (possibly transformed) country-independent parameters are plotted if used within tfr.partraces.plot and tfr3.partraces.plot, or country-specific parameters are plotted if used within tfr.partraces.cs.plot and tfr3.partraces.cs.plot.


Number of points to be plotted. If NULL, all points are plotted, otherwise the traces are thinned evenly.


Number of column for the graphics device. If the number of parameters is smaller than dev.ncol, the number of columns is automatically decreased.


Logical indicating if the processing should run in a low-memory mode. If it is FALSE, traces of all available parameters are loaded into memory. Otherwise, parameters are loaded as they are needed and are not kept in the memory.


Additional graphical arguments.


The functions plot MCMC traces either for country-independent parameters (tfr.partraces.plot for phase II MCMCs and tfr3.partraces.plot for phase III MCMCs) or for country-specific parameters (tfr.partraces.cs.plot for phase II MCMCs and tfr3.partraces.cs.plot for phase III MCMCs), one graph per parameter. One can restrict it to specific chains by setting the chain.ids argument, and to specific parameters by setting the par.names argument.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

coda.list.mcmc for retrieving raw values of the traces.


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
tfr.partraces.cs.plot(country="Netherlands", sim.dir=sim.dir)

## End(Not run)

Generating Posterior Trajectories of the Total Fertility Rate


Using the posterior parameter samples simulated by run.tfr.mcmc (and possibly run.tfr3.mcmc) the function generates posterior trajectories for the total fertility rate for all countries of the world.


tfr.predict(mcmc.set = NULL, end.year = 2100, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    replace.output = FALSE, start.year = NULL, 
    nr.traj = NULL, thin = NULL, burnin = 2000,
    use.diagnostics = FALSE, use.tfr3 = TRUE, burnin3 = 2000,
    mu = 2.1, rho = 0.8859, sigmaAR1 = 0.1016, min.tfr = 0.5,
    use.correlation = FALSE, = 0, output.dir = NULL, 
    subdir = "predictions", low.memory = TRUE, seed = NULL, 
    verbose = TRUE, uncertainty = FALSE, ...)



Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set corresponding Phase II MCMCs. If it is NULL, the object is loaded from the directory given by sim.dir.


End year of the prediction.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. It should equal to the output.dir argument in run.tfr.mcmc.


Logical. If TRUE, existing predictions in output.dir will be replaced by results of this run.


Start year of the prediction. By default the prediction is started at the next time period after present.year set in the estimation step. If start.year is smaller than the default, projections for countries and time periods that have data available after start.year are set to those data.


Number of trajectories to be generated. If NULL, the argument thin is taken to determine the number of trajectories. If both are NULL, the number of trajectories corresponds to the size of the parameter sample.


Thinning interval used for determining the number of trajectories. Only relevant, if nr.traj is NULL.


Number of iterations to be discarded from the beginning of the parameter traces.


Logical determining if an existing convergence diagnostics for phase II MCMCs should be used for choosing the values of thin and burnin. In such a case, arguments nr.traj, thin and burnin are ignored. The ‘best’ values are chosen from results of running the tfr.diagnose function. Only diagnostics can be used that suggest a convergence of the underlying MCMCs. If there are more than one such objects, the one is chosen whose recommendation for the number of trajectories is larger and closest to 2000.


Logical determining if phase III should be predicted via MCMCs (simulated via run.tfr3.mcmc) or a classic AR(1) process. If TRUE but no phase III MCMCs were simulated, a warning is given and the prediction switches automatically to a classic AR(1) process.


Burnin used for phase III MCMCs. Only relevant if use.tfr3 is TRUE.

Either a number determining how many trajectories should be converted into an ASCII file, or “all” in which case all trajectories are converted. It should be set to 0, if no conversion is desired.


Directory into which the resulting prediction object and the trajectories are stored. If it is NULL, it is set to either sim.dir, or to output.dir of mcmc.set$meta if mcmc.set is given.


Subdirectory of output.dir to store the predictions. It is defined relative to output.dir and can only have one level.


Logical indicating if the prediction should run in a low-memory mode. If it is FALSE, the whole traces of all parameters, including the burnin, are loaded into memory. Otherwise, burnins are discarded and parameters are loaded as they are needed and are not kept in the memory.


Long-term mean μ\mu in the AR(1) projection model. Only used if use.tfr3 is FALSE.


Autoregressive parameter ρ\rho in AR(1) projection model. If it is NULL it is estimated from the data. Only used if use.tfr3 is FALSE.


Standard deviation ss of AR(1) distortion terms in short-term projections. If it is NULL it is estimated from the data. It can be a single value or a vector giving the standard deviations for single projections. If the vector is shorter than the number of projections simulated via the AR(1) process, the last value is repeated for the remaining projections. In case of a single value (default), the standard deviation is kept constant over all AR(1) projections. Only used if use.tfr3 is FALSE.


Smallest TFR value allowed.


Logical. If TRUE the model errors are sampled jointly for all countries (Fosdick and Raftery, 2014).


Seed of the random number generator. If NULL no seed is set. It can be used to generate reproducible projections.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Logical. If the MCMC steps has considered uncertainty of past TFR and uncertainty=TRUE, starting point of prediction trajectories will be the last estimated trajectories of TFR. Otherwise, it will use last observed TFR as starting point of prediction.


Further arguments passed to the underlying functions.


The trajectories are generated using a distribution of country-specific decline curves (Alkema et al 2011) and either a classic AR(1) process or a country-specific AR(1) process (Raftery et al 2013). Phase II parameter samples simulated using run.tfr.mcmc are used from all chains, from which the given burnin was discarded. They are evenly thinned to match nr.traj or using the thin argument. Such thinned parameter traces, collapsed into one chain, if they do not already exist, are stored on disk into the sub-directory ‘{thinned_mcmc_t_b’ where t is the value of thin and b the value of burnin (see create.thinned.tfr.mcmc).

If Phase III is projected using a BHM (i.e. if use.tfr3 is TRUE), parameter samples simulated via run.tfr3.mcmc are used from which burnin (given by burnin3) is discarded and the chains are evenly thinned in a way that the total size corresponds to the final size of the Phase II parameter samples. Countries for which there are no simulated country-specific Phase III parameters (e.g. because their TFR is still in Phase II or it is an aggregated region) use samples of the “world” AR(1) parameters.

The projection is run for all missing values before the present year, if any. Medians over the trajectories are used as imputed values and the trajectories are discarded. The process then continues by projecting the future values where all generated trajectories are kept.

The resulting prediction object is saved into ‘{output.dir}/{subdir}’. Trajectories for all countries are saved into the same directory in a binary format, one file per country. At the end of the projection, if is larger than 0, the function converts the given number of trajectories into a CSV file of a UN-specific format. They are selected by equal spacing (see function convert.tfr.trajectories for more details on the conversion). In addition, two summary files are created: one in a user-friendly format, the other using a UN-specific coding of the variants and time (see write.projection.summary for more details).


Object of class bayesTFR.prediction which is a list containing components:


A n×q×pn \times q \times p array of quantile values computed on all trajectories. nn is the number of countries, qq is the number of quantile bounds and pp is the number of projections.

A n×2×pn \times 2 \times p array holding the mean of all trajectories in the first column and the standard deviation in the second column. nn and pp are the number of countries and number of projections, respectively.


Number of trajectories.


Matrix containing imputed TFR values on spots where the original TFR matrix has missing values, i.e. between the last observed data point and the present year.

Directory where trajectories corresponding to this prediction are stored.


Number of projections.

burnin, thin, burnin3, thin3

Burnin and thin used for this prediction for Phase II and Phase III, respectively.


The end year of this prediction.

mu, rho, sigma_t, sigmaAR1

Parameters of the AR(1) process. sigma_t is a vector of actual values of the standard deviation ss used for each projection.


Input value of minimum threshold for TFR.


Index of trajectories for which at least one country got NA values.


Object of class bayesTFR.mcmc.set used for this prediction, i.e. the burned, thinned, and collapsed MCMC chain.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema, Peiran Liu, Bailey Fosdick


Peiran Liu, Hana Sevcikova, Adrian E. Raftery (2023): Probabilistic Estimation and Projection of the Annual Total Fertility Rate Accounting for Past Uncertainty: A Major Update of the bayesTFR R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 106(8), 1-36. doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i08.

L. Alkema, A. E. Raftery, P. Gerland, S. J. Clark, F. Pelletier, Buettner, T., Heilig, G.K. (2011). Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries. Demography, Vol. 48, 815-839. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0040-5.

Raftery, A.E., Alkema, L. and Gerland, P. (2014). Bayesian Population Projections for the United Nations. Statistical Science, Vol. 29, 58-68. doi:10.1214/13-STS419.

Fosdick, B., Raftery, A.E. (2014). Regional Probabilistic Fertility Forecasting by Modeling Between-Country Correlations. Demographic Research, Vol. 30, 1011-1034. doi:10.4054/demres.2014.30.35

See Also

run.tfr.mcmc, run.tfr3.mcmc, create.thinned.tfr.mcmc, convert.tfr.trajectories, write.projection.summary, get.tfr.prediction, summary.bayesTFR.prediction


## Not run: 
sim.dir <- tempfile()
m <- run.tfr.mcmc(nr.chains=1, iter=10, output.dir=sim.dir, verbose=TRUE)
m3 <- run.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, nr.chains=2, iter=40, thin=1, verbose=TRUE)
pred <- tfr.predict(m, burnin=0, burnin3=10, verbose=TRUE)
summary(pred, country="Iceland")
unlink(sim.dir, recursive=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Generating Posterior Trajectories of the Total Fertility Rate for Specific Countries or Regions


Using the posterior parameter samples the function generates posterior trajectories of the total fertility rate for given countries or regions. It is intended to be used after running run.tfr.mcmc.extra, but it can be also used for purposes of testing specific settings on one or a few countries.


tfr.predict.extra(sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
    prediction.dir = sim.dir, subdir = "predictions", countries = NULL, = 0, verbose = TRUE, uncertainty=FALSE,
    all.countries.required = TRUE, use.correlation = NULL)



Directory with the MCMC simulation results.


Directory where the prediction object and the trajectories are stored.


Subdirectory of prediction.dir containing the predictions.


Vector of country codes for which the prediction should be made. If it is NULL, the prediction is run for all countries that are included in the MCMC object but for which no prediction was generated.

Either a number determining how many trajectories should be converted into an ascii file, or “all” in which case all trajectories are converted. It should be set to 0, if no conversion is desired. Note that the conversion is done on all countries.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Logical. If the MCMC steps considered uncertainty of past TFR and uncertainty=TRUE, starting point of prediction trajectories will be the last estimated trajectories of TFR. Otherwise, it will use the last observed TFR as starting point of prediction.


If FALSE it is not required that MCMCs of all countries are present.


If missing and if the number of countries is larger than one, it takes the same value as was used in the main simulation. For one country the default is FALSE. If this parameter is TRUE the model errors are sampled jointly for all countries included in this prediction (Fosdick and Raftery, 2014).


In order to use this function, a prediction object must exist, i.e. the function tfr.predict must have been processed prior to using this function.

Trajectories for given countries or regions are generated and stored in binary format along with other countries (in prediction_dir). The existing prediction object is updated and stored in the same directory. If is larger than zero, trajectories of ALL countries are converted to an ascii format.


Updated object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also


Generating Posterior Trajectories of Subnational TFR


Generates posterior trajectories of the total fertility rate for subregions of given countries, using the Scale-AR(1) method.


tfr.predict.subnat(countries, my.tfr.file, 
                sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
                end.year = 2100, start.year = NULL, subdir = "predictions", 
                output.dir = NULL, annual = NULL, nr.traj = NULL, seed = NULL, 
                min.tfr = 0.5, = NULL, = 0, verbose = TRUE)



Vector of numerical country codes or country names.


Tab-separated ASCII file containing the subnational TFR data. See Details for more information on its format.


Simulation directory with the national projections generated using tfr.predict.


End year of the projections.


Start year of the projections. By default, projections start at the same time point as the national projections.


Subdirectory of sim.dir containing the national predictions.


Directory into which the resulting prediction objects and the trajectories are stored. See below for details.


Logical indicating if the subnational projection should be on an annual scale or a 5-year scale. By default, the scale is matched to the national simulation. If the subnational and national scales are not the same, the national trajectories are either interpolated (if annual = TRUE and the national simulation is not annual) or averaged to 5-year values (if annual = FALSE and the national simulation is annual).


Number of trajectories to be generated. If NULL, the number of trajectories in the national projections is used.


Seed of the random number generator. If NULL no seed is set. It can be used to generate reproducible projections.


Lower bound on TFR.

Named vector containing the parameter estimates of the AR(1) process. If given, it must have elements called mu, rho and sigma. By default for a 5-year simulation, c(mu = 1, rho = 0.92464, sigma = 0.04522) is used. For an annual simulation these default parameters are scaled to c(mu = 1, rho = 0.98445, sigma = 0.02086), see details below.

Either a number determining how many trajectories should be converted into an ASCII file, or “all” in which case all trajectories are converted. By default no conversion is performed.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


The function implements the methodology described in Sevcikova et al (2017). Given a set of national bayesTFR projections, it applies the Scale-AR(1) model to each national trajectory and each subregion of given countries which yield subnational TFR projections.

The file on subnational data passed in my.tfr.file has to have a column “country_code” with numerical values corresponding to countries given in the argument countries, and column “reg_code” giving the numerical identifier of each subregion. Column “name” should be used for subregion name, and column “country” for country name. An optional column “include_code” can be used to eliminate entries from processing. Entries with values of 1 or 2 will be included, all others will be ignored. Column “last.observed” can be used to define which time period contains the last observed data point (given as integer, e.g. year in the middle of the time period). Remaining columns define the time periods, e.g. “2000-2005”, “2005-2010” for a 5-year simulation, or “2020”, “2021” for an annual simulation. The package contains an example of such dataset, see Example below.

The default AR(1) parameters were designed for a 5-year simulation, see Sevcikova et al (2017) for more detail. These are μ=1,ρ=0.92464,σ=0.04522\mu = 1, \rho = 0.92464, \sigma = 0.04522. We use the following conversion for the autoregressive parameter ρ\rho and the standard deviation σ\sigma if an annual AR(1) process is desired: ρ=ρ(1/5),σ=σ((1ρ(2/5))/(1ρ2))\rho^* = \rho^{(1/5)}, \sigma^* = \sigma * \sqrt{((1 - \rho^{(2/5)})/(1 - \rho^2))}. The long-term mean μ\mu stays the same for both processes. Thus, the annual parameters are c(mu = 1, rho = 0.98445, sigma = 0.02086). Note that if the argument is specified by the user, it is assumed that the parameters have been scaled appropriately and thus, no conversion takes place.

Argument output.dir gives a location on disk where results of the function should be stored. If it is NULL (default), results are stored in the same directory as the national projections. In both cases a subdirectory called “subnat” is created in which each country has its own subfolder with the country code in its name. Each such subfolder contains the same type of outputs as in the national case generated using tfr.predict, most importantly a directory “predictions” with trajectories for each region.


A list of objects of class bayesTFR.prediction. The name of each element includes its country code. Not all elements of the class bayesTFR.prediction are available. For example, no mcmc.set is attached to these objects. Thus, not all functions that work with bayesTFR.prediction can be applied to these results.


Even though the resulting object contains subnational results, the names of its elements are the same as in the national case. This allows to apply the same functions on both objects (subnational and national). However, it means that sometimes the meaning of the elements or function arguments does not match the subnational context. For example, various functions expect the argument country. When a subnational object is passed to such function, country means a subregion.


Hana Sevcikova


Hana Sevcikova, Adrian E. Raftery, Patrick Gerland (2018). Probabilistic Projection of Subnational Total Fertility Rates. Demographic Research, Vol. 38(60), 1843-1884. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.60.

See Also

get.regtfr.prediction, tfr.predict


# View the example data
my.subtfr.file <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), 'extdata', 'subnational_tfr_template.txt')
subtfr <- read.delim(my.subtfr.file, check.names=FALSE)

# Directory with national projections (contains 30 trajectories for each country)
nat.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")

# Subnational projections for Australia and Canada
subnat.dir <- tempfile()
preds <- tfr.predict.subnat(c(36, 124), my.tfr.file=my.subtfr.file,
    sim.dir=nat.dir, output.dir=subnat.dir, start.year=2013)
summary(preds[["36"]], "Queensland")
tfr.trajectories.plot(preds[["36"]], "Queensland")

# plot subnational and national TFR in one plot
nat.pred <- get.tfr.prediction(nat.dir)
tfr.trajectories.plot(preds[["36"]], 186, pi=80, half.child.variant=FALSE)
tfr.trajectories.plot(nat.pred, "Australia", half.child.variant=FALSE,
      add=TRUE, col=rep("darkgreen", 5), nr.traj=0, show.legend=FALSE)
legend("topright", c("regional TFR", "national TFR"), col=c("red", "darkgreen"), 
  lty=1, bty='n')

# Retrieve trajectories
trajs.Alberta <- get.tfr.trajectories(preds[["124"]], "Alberta")

# cleanup

# See more examples in ?get.regtfr.prediction

Raftery Diagnostics for Parameters of the Total Fertility Rate


The functions compute the Raftery diagnostics for each parameter of MCMCs of phase II (tfr.raftery.diag) and phase III (tfr3.raftery.diag), taking median over all chains.


tfr.raftery.diag(mcmc = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    burnin = 0, country = NULL,
    par.names = NA, par.names.cs = NA,
    country.sampling.prop = 1, verbose=TRUE, ...)

tfr3.raftery.diag(mcmc = NULL, 
    sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    burnin = 0, country = NULL,
    par.names = NA, par.names.cs = NA,
    country.sampling.prop = 1, verbose=TRUE, ...)



A bayesTFR.mcmc or bayesTFR.mcmc.set object.


Directory with the MCMC simulation results. Only used if mcmc is NULL.




Name or code of a country. If it is given, country-specific parameters are reduced to parameters of that country.


Names of country-independent parameters for which the Raftery diagnostics should be computed. By default all parameters are used. If it is NULL, no country-independent parameters are used.


Names of country-specific parameters for which the Raftery diagnostics should be computed. By default all parameters are used. If it is NULL, no country-specific parameters are used.


Proportion of countries that are included in the diagnostics. It should be between 0 and 1. If it is smaller than 1, the countries are randomly sampled. It is only relevant if par.names.cs is not NULL.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Additional arguments passed to the coda.list.mcmc function.


The Raftery diagnostics is computed for each parameter, using coda's raftery.diag with r=0.0125, q=0.025 and q=0.975. Values of NN and burnin are taken as the median over chains. For each country-specific parameter, the maximum over all included countries of such medians is taken.


List with the components:


2-d array of NN values (processed as described in Details) with two rows: first corresponding to q=0.025, second corresponding to q=0.975. Each column corresponds to one parameter.


2-d array of the same structure as Nmedian, containing the burnin values (processed as described in Details).


List with two elements, each of which is a data frame containing columns “”, “”, and “N”. These are parameters for which the computed value of Raftery diagnostics NN is larger than the total number of finished iterations summed over all chains. The first element of the list corresponds to q=0.025, second corresponds to q=0.975.


List of the same structure as not.converged.parameters. The parameters included are those for which the computed value of Raftery diagnostics NN is larger than the number of finished iterations in the corresponding chain.

Data frame containing columns “”, “”, “N0.025”, and “N0.975”. Each row gives NN computed with the two different qq for each country-independent parameter and chain.

The same as, but here the country-specific parameters are considered.

2-d array of NN values for country-specific parameters containing medians over chains.


List with elements '0.025', '0.975' and median. The first two elements are matrices with one row per chain and one column per parameter. They contain values of thin that makes the MCMC independent, for q=0.025 and q=0.975, respectively. The median element is of the same structure as Nmedian, containing medians ove rows in the two matrices in this list.


Vector with elements used (number of countries used in this diagnostics) and total (number of countries that this mcmc object was estimated on).


Hana Sevcikova, Adrian Raftery

See Also


Output of Posterior Distribution of TFR Trajectories


The functions plot/tabulate the posterior distribution of TFR trajectories for a given country, or for all countries, including their median and given probability intervals.


tfr.trajectories.plot(tfr.pred, country, pi = c(80, 95), 
    half.child.variant = TRUE, nr.traj = NULL, 
    adjusted.only = TRUE, typical.trajectory = FALSE, 
    mark.estimation.points = FALSE,
    traj.index = NULL, show.mean = FALSE, show.median = TRUE,
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, type = 'b', xlab = 'Year', ylab = 'TFR', 
    main = NULL, lwd = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1), 
    col=c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', 'blue', '#00000020'),
    show.legend = TRUE, add = FALSE, uncertainty = FALSE, 
    col_unc = "purple", ...)
    output.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'TFRtrajectories'),
    output.type = "png", main = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
tfr.trajectories.table(tfr.pred, country, pi = c(80, 95), 
    half.child.variant = TRUE, adjusted = TRUE)



Object of class bayesTFR.prediction.


Name or numerical code of a country. It can also be given as ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Probability interval. It can be a single number or an array.


If TRUE the United Nations variant of “+/-0.5 child” (relative to the median) is shown.


Number of trajectories to be plotted. If NULL, all trajectories are plotted, otherwise they are thinned evenly.


Logical. By default, if the projection or estimation median is adjusted using e.g. tfr.median.set or tfr.median.set.all, the function plots the adjusted median. If adjusted.only=FALSE the original (non-adjusted) median is plotted as well.


Logical. If TRUE one trajectory is shown that has the smallest distance to the median.


Logical. If TRUE, points that were not used in the estimation (phase I) are shown in lighter color than points in phase II and III.


Vector of trajectory indices to show. If not given, the trajectories are selected using equidistant spacing.

show.mean, show.median

Logical indicating if the mean or/and the median of the distribution should be shown.

xlim, ylim, type, xlab, ylab

Graphical parameters passed to the plot function.

lwd, col

Vector of six elements giving the line width and color for: 1. observed data, 2. imputed missing data, 3. median, 4. quantiles, 5. half-child variant, 6. trajectories.


Logical controlling whether the legend should be drawn.


Logical controlling whether the trajectories should be plotted into a new graphic device (FALSE) or into an existing device (TRUE). One can use this argument to plot trajectories from multiple countries into one graphics.


Additional graphical parameters. In addition, for tfr.trajectories.plot.all, ... contains any of the arguments of tfr.trajectories.plot.


Directory into which resulting graphs are stored.


Type of the resulting files. It can be “png”, “pdf”, “jpeg”, “bmp”, “tiff”, or “postscript”.


Main title for the plot(s). In tfr.trajectories.plot.all any occurence of the string “XXX” is replaced by the country name.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Logical: TRUE means uncertainty of past TFR should be plotted with the same level of uncertainty interval.


Color of past TFR estimation uncertainty plot.


Logical. If FALSE the unadjusted values are returned.


tfr.trajectories.plot plots posterior distribution of TFR trajectories for a given country. tfr.trajectories.table gives the same output as a table. tfr.trajectories.plot.all creates a set of graphs (one per country) that are stored in output.dir.

The median and given probability intervals are computed using all available trajectories. Thus, nr.traj does not influence those values - it is used only to control the number of trajectories plotted.


Hana Sevcikova, Leontine Alkema, Peiran Liu

See Also



## Not run: 
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
pred <- get.tfr.prediction(sim.dir)
tfr.trajectories.plot(pred, country="Burkina Faso", pi=c(80, 95))
tfr.trajectories.table(pred, country="Burkina Faso", pi=c(80, 95))

## End(Not run)

Dataset with UN-specific Time Coding


Dataset used by the UN for coding time. It is an TAB-separated ASCII file called “UN_time.txt”.




A data frame with 1034 observations on the following 4 variables.


Time identifier.


Label of the time, with minimum values of 1950 and 1950-1955, and maximum values of 2399, 2400 and 2400-2405.


Equal to TLabel if it is a single year, or the starting year of TLabel, if it is an interval.


Length of the time interval, or zero, if it is a single year.


For 5-year period data, fertility rates are defined from 1 July of year (t) to 1 July of year (t+5), with 1 January of year (t+3) as exact mid-date. This means for example that data for 2000-2005, refer to the period between 2000.5 and 2005.5, with 2003.0 as exact mid-point.


Data provided by the United Nations Population Division



Dataset with UN-specific Coding of Variants


Dataset used by the UN for coding variants. It also includes variants for the lower and upper bounds of the 80 and 95% probability intervals, respectively, resulting from the Bayesian hierarchical model. The dataset is stored in a TAB-separated ASCII file called “UN_variants.txt”.




A data frame with 23 observations on the following 5 variables.


Revision identifier.


Identifier of the variant.


Short name of the variant.


Full name of the variant.


Domain of the variant.


Data provided by the United Nations Population Division



Writing Projection Summary Files


The function creates two files containing projection summaries, such as the median, mean, the lower and upper bound of the 80 and 90% probability intervals, respectively, the +/- 0.5 child variant and the constant variant. One file is in a user-friendly format, whereas the other is in a UN-specific format with internal coding of the time and the variants. In addition, a file containing some of the model parameters is created.


write.projection.summary(dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesTFR.output"), 
    subdir = "predictions", output.dir = NULL, revision = NULL, adjusted = FALSE, 
    est.uncertainty = FALSE, ...)



Directory containing the prediction object. It should correspond to the output.dir argument of the tfr.predict function.


Subdirectory of dir containing the predictions.


Directory in which the resulting file will be stored. If NULL the same directory is used as for the prediction.


UN WPP revision number. If NULL it is determined from the corresponding WPP year: WPP 2008 corresponds to revision 13, every subsequent WPP increases the revision number by one. Used as a constant in the second file only.


Logical. By default the function writes summary using the original BHM projections. If the projection medians are adjusted (using e.g. tfr.median.set), setting this argument to TRUE causes writing the adjusted projections.


Logical. If TRUE and the simulation was generated with uncertainty around estimation, that uncertainty info is included in the summaries.


Additional arguments passed to the underlying functions. Here, argument precision can be set to determine the number of significant digits (default is 4).


The first file that the function creates is called ‘projection_summary_user_friendly.csv’ (or ‘projection_summary_user_friendly_adjusted.csv’ if adjusted=TRUE), it is a comma-separated table with the following columns:


country name


country code


name of the variant, such as “median”, “lower 80”, “upper 80”, “lower 95”, “upper 95”, “mean”, “-0.5child”, “+0.5child”, “constant”


e.g. “2005-2010”: TFR for the first time period. If est.uncertainty is TRUE, the first time period is the first observed time period. Otherwise it is the last observed one.


e.g. “2010-2015”: TFR for the second time period


further columns with TFR projections

The second file, called ‘projection_summary.csv’ (or ‘projection_summary_adjusted.csv’ if adjusted=TRUE), also comma-separated table, contains the same information as above in a UN-specific format:


revision number, passed to the function as an argument


variant identifier, extracted from the UN_variants dataset


country code


time identifier, extracted from the UN_time dataset


the total fertility rate for this variant, location and time period

The third comma-separated file, called ‘projection_summary_parameters.csv’ contains the following columns:


country name


country code


start period of TFR decline


TFR at the onset of the fertitility transition (median of the UcU_c parameter)


maximum decrement of TFR decline (median of the dcd_c parameter)


median of the end level of the fertility transition (Δc4\Delta_{c4} parameter)


2.5 percentile of the Δc4\Delta_{c4} distribution


97.5 percentile of the Δc4\Delta_{c4} distribution


period of the end decline, measured using the prediction median

Note that this file is not created if adjusted=TRUE.


This function is automatically called from the tfr.predict function, therefore in standard cases it will not be needed to call it directly.


Hana Sevcikova

See Also

convert.tfr.trajectories, tfr.predict