- bayesLife::DLpriorsGlobal options
- bayesLife::include_2010Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::include_2012Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::include_2015Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::include_2017Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::include_2019Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::include_2022Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::include_2024Inclusion Codes
- bayesLife::loess.sdInternal Functions and datasets of bayesLife
- bayesPop::MLTbxDataset on Lee-Carter bx for Modeled Countries
- bayesPop::depratioFInternal Functions and datasets of bayesPop
- bayesPop::depratioMInternal Functions and datasets of bayesPop
- bayesPop::pasfr.glob.normsInternal Functions and datasets of bayesPop
- bayesPop::vwBaseYear2010Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
- bayesPop::vwBaseYear2012Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
- bayesPop::vwBaseYear2015Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
- bayesPop::vwBaseYear2017Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
- bayesPop::vwBaseYear2019Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
- bayesPop::vwBaseYear2022Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
- bayesTFR::UN_timeDataset with UN-specific Time Coding
- bayesTFR::UN_variantsDataset with UN-specific Coding of Variants
- bayesTFR::correlation_predictorsInternal Functions and datasets of bayesTFR
- bayesTFR::include_2010Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::include_2012Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::include_2015Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::include_2017Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::include_2019Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::include_2022Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::include_2024Inclusion Codes
- bayesTFR::iso3166Internal Functions and datasets of bayesTFR
- bayesTFR::proposal_cov_gammas_ciiInternal Functions and datasets of bayesTFR
- bayesTFR::rawTFRRaw TFR Data
- BMA::raceScottish Hill Racing data
- BMA::vasoVaso data
- demogR::goodmanDemographic data from Venezuela, Madagascar and the United States in the late 1960s
- demogR::tharthar
- mlogitBMA::heatingHeating Dataset
- MortCast::LQcoefCoefficients for the Log-Quadratic Mortality Model
- MortCast::MLT1YlookupModel Life Tables Lookup
- MortCast::MLTlookupModel Life Tables Lookup
- MortCast::PMDadjcoefCoefficients for Sex Ratio Adjustments in the PMD Method
- MortCast::RhoFemalesPattern Mortality Decline Lookup Tables
- MortCast::RhoMalesPattern Mortality Decline Lookup Tables
- vote::dublin_westElection Dataset to Dublin West Constituency
- vote::food_electionExample Dataset
- vote::ims_approvalDatasets on IMS Election
- vote::ims_electionDatasets on IMS Election
- vote::ims_pluralityDatasets on IMS Election
- vote::ims_scoreDatasets on IMS Election
- vote::ims_stvDatasets on IMS Election
- wpp2008::UNlocationsUnited Nations Table of Locations
- wpp2008::e0FUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2008::e0MUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2008::migrationFDatasets on Migration
- wpp2008::migrationMDatasets on Migration
- wpp2008::mxFAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2008::mxMAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2008::percentASFRDatasets on Age-specific Distribution of Fertility Rates
- wpp2008::popFEstimates of Population Counts
- wpp2008::popMEstimates of Population Counts
- wpp2008::sexRatioSex Ratio at Birth
- wpp2008::tfrUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2010::UNlocationsUnited Nations Table of Locations
- wpp2010::e0FUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2010::e0F_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2010::e0FprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2010::e0MUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2010::e0M_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2010::e0MprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2010::migrationFDatasets on Migration
- wpp2010::migrationMDatasets on Migration
- wpp2010::mxFAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2010::mxMAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2010::percentASFRDatasets on Age-specific Distribution of Fertility Rates
- wpp2010::popFEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2010::popMEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2010::sexRatioSex Ratio at Birth
- wpp2010::tfrUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2010::tfr_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2010::tfrprojHighUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2010::tfrprojLowUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2010::tfrprojMedUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::UNlocationsUnited Nations Table of Locations
- wpp2012::e0FUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0F_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0FprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Fproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Fproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Fproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Fproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0MUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0M_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0MprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Mproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Mproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Mproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::e0Mproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2012::migrationFDatasets on Migration
- wpp2012::migrationMDatasets on Migration
- wpp2012::mxFAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2012::mxMAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2012::percentASFRDatasets on Age-specific Distribution of Fertility Rates
- wpp2012::popFEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popFprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popFprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popFprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popMEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popMprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popMprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popMprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popproj80lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popproj80uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popproj95lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popproj95uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::popprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2012::sexRatioSex Ratio at Birth
- wpp2012::tfrUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfr_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrprojHighUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrprojLowUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2012::tfrprojMedUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::UNlocationsUnited Nations Table of Locations
- wpp2015::e0FUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0F_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0FprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Fproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Fproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Fproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Fproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0MUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0M_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0MprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Mproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Mproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Mproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::e0Mproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2015::migrationDataset on Migration
- wpp2015::mxFAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2015::mxMAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2015::percentASFRDatasets on Age-specific Distribution of Fertility Rates
- wpp2015::popEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popFEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popFprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popFprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popFprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popMEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popMprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popMprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popMprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popproj80lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popproj80uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popproj95lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popproj95uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::popprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2015::sexRatioSex Ratio at Birth
- wpp2015::tfrUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfr_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrprojHighUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrprojLowUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2015::tfrprojMedUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::UNlocationsUnited Nations Table of Locations
- wpp2017::e0FUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0F_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0FprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Fproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Fproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Fproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Fproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0MUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0M_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0MprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Mproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Mproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Mproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::e0Mproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2017::migrationDataset on Migration
- wpp2017::mxFAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2017::mxMAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2017::percentASFRDatasets on Age-specific Distribution of Fertility Rates
- wpp2017::popEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popFEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popFTEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popFTprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popFprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popFprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popFprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popMEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popMTEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popMTprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popMprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popMprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popMprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popproj80lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popproj80uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popproj95lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popproj95uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::popprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2017::sexRatioSex Ratio at Birth
- wpp2017::tfrUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfr_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrprojHighUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrprojLowUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2017::tfrprojMedUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::UNlocationsUnited Nations Table of Locations
- wpp2019::e0FUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0F_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0FprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Fproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Fproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Fproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Fproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0MUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0M_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0MprojUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Mproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Mproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Mproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::e0Mproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Life Expectancy
- wpp2019::migrationDataset on Migration
- wpp2019::mxFAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2019::mxMAge-specific Mortality Data
- wpp2019::percentASFRDatasets on Age-specific Distribution of Fertility Rates
- wpp2019::popEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popFEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popFTEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popFTprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popFprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popFprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popFprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popMEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popMTEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popMTprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popMprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popMprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popMprojMedEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popprojEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popproj80lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popproj80uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popproj95lEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popproj95uEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popprojHighEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::popprojLowEstimates and Projections of Population Counts
- wpp2019::sexRatioSex Ratio at Birth
- wpp2019::tfrUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfr_supplementalUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrproj80lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrproj80uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrproj95lUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrproj95uUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrprojHighUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrprojLowUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wpp2019::tfrprojMedUnited Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate
- wppExplorer::iso3166ISO 3166 Dataset
- wppExplorer::iso3166udISO 3166 Dataset
- wppExplorer::iso3166udISO 3166 Dataset